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There are 3 free games on December 30, 2021, download link -

There are 3 free games on December 30, 2021, download link –

Today, December 30, 2021, Players can download for free Three PC Games via Epic Games Store. Let’s talk about the Tomb Rider trilogy created by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal and published by Square Enix. Below you will also find the download link.

First, as always, you can request it through or through the Epic Games Store Free PC Game Launcher Official website, at this address.

Includes Tomb Raider trilogy:

The Official explanation Says: “From Tomb Raider’s Yamadai Island off the coast of Japan to his immortal mystery in the Siberian tundra and Rise of the Tomb Rider, the ultimate shot of the Tomb Raider on every journey of the world to follow Laura in his creative adventures and to discover the catastrophic power of Tomb Rail. Thanks to the content, the trilogy takes dozens of hours of breathtaking exploration, challenging puzzles and Laura Tomb Rider struggles to survive while fulfilling her destiny.

Laura Croft da Tomb Rider

With these three free games offered by Epic Games Store on December 30, 2021, the long offer of daily games ends. Tomb Raider is available for the next seven days, following the classic framework of weekly free games.

Tell me, what do you think about this period? Did the received games convince you?

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