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Ember Lab confirms commercial success Kana: Bridge of Spirits

Ember Lab confirms commercial success Kana: Bridge of Spirits

Journalist Jason Schreier explains in an article BloombergThe then inexperienced independent studio about the PlayStation 5 closed and the console received upgrades a year before it was announced to the public. Delay is required, this console is not just on the PS4, the game will finally be put forward.

One month after the game’s release on the PS5, PS4 and Epic Games Store, it is unknown how many copies Kana Authors confirm that sold but development costs have already been reimbursed.Pleasantly surprised“By the Numbers.”Sony is happy“, Josh Grier promises. I have to say that this game shone Ranking PS5 game downloads in September, third in the US and first in Europe. Note that a boxed version is coming out on November 19th.

Another confirmation, Studio Ember Lab now wants to fully dedicate itself to the production of video games. “We will not return to advertising“Josh confirms Grier. For his second title, Ember Lab explains he doesn’t want to make a sequel. Kana But he wants to continue on the record close to this narrative action-adventure game.

Jason Schreier’s article also confirms that Sony Interactive Entertainment’s initial plans were to release the PS5 at an event in New York in early summer. PS4 was initially released at the PlayStation Junction. 19 epidemic programs changed and PS5 was finally released as a registered program on June 11, 2020.