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Trojan’s largest lake, the Kraken Murray, is much deeper than previously thought

Cassini has not revealed its secrets for more than three years. This method shows that part of its data show that the largest lake on the surface of Titan is much deeper than imagined by Craigon Mare. It is a lake composed mainly of ethane and methane.

The more we learn about him, the more he will have his famous name. Kraken Murray is a lake of light hydrocarbons and nitrogen, the largest, and most mysterious liquid detected on the surface of Saturn. If placed on Earth, it would cover the five largest lakes in North America! It is estimated today that it contains about 80% of the fluid on the surface of a natural satellite. A ratio was revised after a team of researchers from the Center for Astronomy and Planetary Science at Cornell University analyzed data from the last one they completed three years ago. Their study was published in the December issue .

This data reveals that the Cracken Sea, also referred to as the ocean, is much deeper than previously thought. In 2014, the data suggested that its depth should be at least 35 meters, while this figure suggests that it may be too high. After further study, the scientists estimated that the lake might actually be ten times deeper, raising the measurement to 300 meters. The panel offers the equivalent of a landscape: this is the size of the Chrysler building in New York!

It is good to understand the “methane cycle” on Titan

Understanding the depth and composition of the Kraken Marine gradually reveals to researchers the ethane and methane that accumulate in its pools, lakes and rivers, to learn more about Titan’s mysterious chemistry. A chemistry is very different from ours, but it does not help to distance the view from what we know about our planet: in many ways, this part of Titan is reminiscent of our swamps or lakes (like the north). USA, therefore).

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Titan has the “methane cycle” as an example This is in some ways similar to the Earth’s water cycle. The So most of this methane has to be gold[…]


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