Saga training or Saga teaching is not a new concept. It can be found used by Aristotle’s organists or student leaders, as well as the letters of Seneca the Younger. It was first organized as a doctrine by the Scotsman Andrew Belle in 1795 and then implemented in French and English schools in the 19th century.
Over the past 30-40 years, the collection of mixed skills in public schools and the interest in institutionally efficient and inclusive teaching methods, especially at one time, contemporary teaching has become increasingly popular. It has brought back some important issues to the center of such a historical, epidemiological teaching-learning relationship.
Fellow Education – A relatively new concept developed by Harvard Professor Eric Majour
A relatively new concept, devised by Harvard professor Eric Major in the early 1990s – peer-to-peer teaching is a method by which one student instructs another student on a subject.
Goodlot and Hurst and Topping Note Peer training at school and university level is taken in many forms.
Saga training
Peer tutoring, which is common in large schools, provides part or all of the intellectual responsibility to older students, often in advanced classes or in the same class, with higher skills, for certain academic and coaching interventions.
Supervision programs
Supervision programs include personal training of students who have demonstrated a slightly ahead or required ability successfully than other students (previous quarterly assessment, for example).
The cooperative learning class divides peers into smaller groups, with each person in the group responsible for teaching others and each making a unique contribution to team performance in a task. Mutual peer training, a specific version of collaborative learning, combines classmates into pairs to guide each other.
Key Benefits of Peer Teaching
The main benefits of peer teaching include, but are not limited to:
- Students are given more time for personalized learning.
- Direct communication between students promotes active learning.
- Fellow teachers reinforce their learning by educating others.
- Students feel very comfortable and open-minded when interacting with students.
- Colleagues and students share similar discourse, which allows for greater understanding.
- Parallel teaching is a cost-effective alternative to hiring colleagues.
- Teachers are given more time to focus on the next lesson.
Research also indicates that peer learning activities generally produce the following effects for both the teacher and the coach: team-building empathy and more supportive relationships; Greater psychological well-being, social competence, communication skills and self-esteem; Higher effects and higher productivity in terms of better learning outcomes.
Improve peer teaching with planned educational support
In recent decades, many co-teaching programs have been developed in schools around the world that promote the concept of peer-to-peer learning. Almost all educational institutions, of all grades and standards, especially in the world, offer opportunities for fellow trainees and assistant assistant positions for students.
Specific peer training programs
There are even specific co-curricular programs, such as the Bear Language Instructor Program, which are unique features of these programs that help ensure the linguistic and cultural fluency of its students throughout the school language program. These tutorials provide students with additional conversational training and guidance with homework, giving students the opportunity to make friends and be a part of their peer life. Students who completed the course (primary, secondary and tertiary) said their peers were one of the preferred features of the program.
Educational benefits of co-education
Most of the findings related to the implications of guidance on teacher academic achievement announced a significant success. During Saga training, fellow teachers review and edit with their teachers the same content and ideas they went through in their classrooms, which greatly helps them understand the topic and understand the topic. In Beasley’s attempt to discover the educational benefits of Saga training for teachers, he approached 80% with some students and announced major successes and improvements. However, others argue that guidance does not have a beneficial impact on teachers ’academic performance. Most fellow teachers follow superficial strategies in helping their peers summarize and highlight. Fellow teachers are already excellent for their academic performance and excellence; Therefore, following strategies such as highlighting will not add much to a teacher’s academic income.
Peer training will be useful to broaden the teachers’ knowledge in this regard
In addition, some studies have suggested that peer tutoring may be useful in expanding teachers’ knowledge of the subject, so that they spend more time researching the right materials and resources to provide well-established support for students where they will find useful materials. For themselves. To teach, teachers need to carefully read the material they expect to teach, for which they need to spend more time reviewing and preparing.
Students ’academic performance is positively affected by being a fellow teacher
In addition, mentors have the opportunity to look back at some reference books and resources to accomplish their mentoring mission professionally. Exchanging tips with other fellow teachers and educators helped improve the whole learning development process. Therefore, the academic performance of students is positively affected by being a fellow teacher. Learning through teaching has proven successful, especially if the project is ‘well organized and implemented with specific goals’. In their research, Johns and Colco understood the benefits of a mutual peer training program based on the results of a 1989 study conducted by Dimef, Fontuso and Fox. The researchers found that the peer mentoring program led to “improved personal education achievement, personal cognitive gains and greater skills than those who did not interact with peers.” All of these results confirm an already well-known opinion that the best way to truly learn and understand a subject is to try to teach it to another; Or, as Satovi suggests, teaching may be the best teacher.
“Good training” report with peer tutoring application
What do schools teach about peer training experience? What is there for teachers, and most importantly, how has the life of the students involved changed? Some schools are testing this new method. The final statement we propose by Emanuela Pianis, author of the first sermon circle of Giugliano, directed by Dr. Olympia Finiccio, is a perfect example of “good practice”, the end of a journey, the path proposed by the elementary school teacher “Feel good at school, stories of friendship”.
What benefits did you get from it?
The benefits are numerous: the children learned the training techniques much faster than I expected, and they developed considerable self-discipline, probably because they felt empowered. In most cases, the interaction between teachers and teachers was very positive, which developed relationships that lasted beyond the training level. This last and unexpected variation represented a “special one” that strengthened the determination to stay on a good track and the belief that it was an experience that could be repeated by other colleagues. Both teachers and educators developed social skills and positive attitudes, as well as improving their own performance. This last feature is definitely very interesting to us as authors!
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