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Microsoft buys Sega?  Restoration rumors resume -

Microsoft buys Sega? Restoration rumors resume –

Sega Refurbished internally Two categories And rumors of a re-emergence Acquisition From Microsoft, The old work of rumors about video games, however it is more compatible with the current framework.

Apparently we are talking exclusively Assumptions And somewhat bold constructions, but really one of Sega Sami’s action According to prevention Necessary for the largest possible acquisition, which is the least likely.

A possible acquisition of Sega would actually present The problem Of the management of its many internal divisions: in fact, it would not have been a matter of acquiring not only the intellectual characteristics of the internal teams, the brand and the video game, but its entire outline Arcade, Arcade, Bachinko and co-divisions This transforms the Japanese company into a complex structure.

This is one of the main motivations of those who saw the acquisition as impossible Complicated, Which was contradicted by the possible theory: “Of course, it can only get the video game section”, but how to do it? There you have it: Sega seems to have paved the way for the practice to acquire him en masse Section dedicated to video games, Which will make the company more segregated from the rest of the company.

This way, Microsoft or anyone else can easily find an interesting section related to video games for you, however, considering that the section dedicated to Bachinko and Arcade is affected Big losses Due to Govt, this has been proven by the sale of the building dedicated to the arcades. On the other hand, it has been rumored in recent hours that Microsoft is preparing to acquire another major publisher in the style of Bethesda.

Among other things, we are always talking about all the rumors about Microsoft in recent months, but in the meantime Tencent It was proposed as a very strong candidate, which led to a recent infiltration of Dontnote and Glee Entertainment in consideration of its continued expansion.