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FCI Manager Interview & DV Admit Card 2020

FCI Manager Interview and TV Admit Card 2020 Released, Download Regional Vice FCI Manager Phase 2

FCI Manager Interview Admit Card 2020: The Food Corporation of India (FCI) has issued the Admit Card for interview and document verification for recruitment to the post of Manager against Advertising No. 02/2019. Eligible candidates for the Document Verification / Interview Round can download their entry cards through the official website of

FCI Manager Interview & TV Admit Card 2020

FCI Manager Interview & TV Admit Card 2020

FCI Manager Interview Admit Card 2020: The Food Corporation of India (FCI) has issued the Admit Card for interview and document verification for recruitment to the post of Manager against Advertising No. 02/2019. Eligible candidates for the Document Verification / Interview Round can download their entry cards through the official website of

The FCI Manager Interview and TV Admit Card 2020 download link will be available until 24 December 2020. All selected candidates are advised to download the FCI Manager Interview and TV Admit Card 2020 soon on the official website to avoid last minute haste. The FCI Manager Interview and TV Admit Card 2020 can be downloaded by following the simple steps given below.

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Click on the glowing link in the current recruitment ticker ‘List of Candidates Listed for Interview and Document Verification based on Second Class Selection for Type II Posts’.
  3. This will redirect you to the notification page.
  4. Click on the respective zone where you applied.
  5. Then, ‘To download the invitation letter for the document verification and interview of the selected candidates in the second phase examination, click on the link. No. 02/2019-FCI Gate-2 ‘.
  6. Then, the login page will open.
  7. Select Zone, Registration Number / Roll Number, DOB, Captcha Code and click Submit button.
  8. Then, the FCI Manager interview and the TV Admit Card 2020 download link will be displayed.
  9. Candidates can download the Admit Card and save it for future reference.
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The company will conduct the FCI Manager Interview and TV 2020 under Phase 2 December 14 to December 17 in the Eastern Zone, December 22 to 23 in the Western Zone, December 16 to 17 in the Northeast Zone, December 14 to 18 in the Southern Zone and December 14 to 19 and December 21 to 24 in the Northern Zone.

Also, candidates can check the date, time and location details on their entry cards. Selected candidates who are unable to produce their invitation letters for document verification and interview should register their grievances At least one week before the date of document verification and interview. Candidates can download FCI Manager Phase 2 Admit Card 2020 directly by clicking on the link given below.

Download FCI Manager 2020 TV and Interview Admit Card