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L’appendice est une structure anatomique que l’on retrouve chez de nombreuses espèces pourtant très différentes, de l’Orang-outan au koala, en passant par le castor et bien sûr, l’humain.

What to do if the back link is attached to a longer lifespan?

The appendage is an anatomical system, but many species, still different: from orangutan to beaver and of course humans. In the latter case, if inflammation occurs, it is eliminated to avoid evolution towards peritonitis. But, today, the work of researchers shows that these few mysterious centimeters are not so useless.

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[EN VIDÉO] Interview: What are the secrets of longevity?
Organisms have a limited lifespan and research is beginning to understand what mechanisms are involved. But will knowing these secrets lead to longevity? Futura-Sciences biologist Vera Korpunova was interviewed while speaking at TEDxCannes.

What was once considered a useless anatomical structure is now subject to much work to better understand its role. Is in many Mammals, It has appeared at least 16 times in the evolutionary history of mammals, including human species, so its function will provide a positive selective benefit to those who possess it. A new study by Inserm and researchers National Museum of Natural History States that the existence of the attachment is actually related to increased longevity. The results have been released Journal of Anatomy.

This small anatomical structure of a few centimeters is located in the abdomen Colon, Function Post link Not properly understood for a long time. According to the principles Charles Darwin, Which would also be an investigation system, ineffective and inactive. It can even be proven to be dangerous to health because of the riskSwelling That may arise. We are talking about “intestinal inflammation” and in the absence of treatment, it is Swelling Can develop Peritonitis And drive until dying.

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Over the years, research work has been carried out to learn more about this The role of attachment. For example, studies have shown that an inflammatory bowel disease, which occurs before the age of 20, has protective effects against chronic inflammation in a specific form of the breast. Colon and rectum : Colon ulcer.

A mysterious activity associated with the longevity of mammals

In addition, researchers have shown that back attachment is not limited to humans. It first appeared in mammals at least 80 million years ago, and later during evolution it produced many and independent appearances in many mammalian lineages, without obvious contact with food, social life or the environment. It is still seen today l’Orang-outan, The Cola And this Lamondin Beaver or even l’ornithorynque. However, its function was still a mystery, and no study has reached a definitive conclusion.

The team, led by Inserm researcher Eric Ozier-Denis and his colleague Michael Lauren, looked at the question by analyzing data from the National Museum of Natural History, 258. Money With 39 in mammals, and 219 without attachment. Scientists in particular have a theoretical maximum lifespan (The Period Theoretical lifespan of mammals, established according to their weight) and Maximum lifespan The true value of different organisms is considered.

They have shown for the first time that the existence of an appendix is ​​related to length Longevity Most species are found. Compared to the same mammal that has no back attachment, the mammal that exhibits this anatomical structure has a longer lifespan.

The idea of ​​focusing on longevity through our work on the relationship between inflammatory bowel disease / ulcerative colitis and the involvement of the immune system was suggested to us. With a very active and well-educated immune system, we can theoretically better resist the environment and live longer. So we tested this hypothesis in collaboration with two internationally known evolutionists from the National Museum of Natural History. This is the first demonstration of a connection between attachment and a trait in mammalian biographies. », Emphasizes Eric Ozier-Denise.

Appendix, the bacterial sanctuary of the immune system

According to researchers, one possible hypothesis that explains the link between backlinks and longevity is that the organization, by its form, supports a constitution.Bacterial aggregation Selective to reduce mortality Diarrhea Infection by promoting rapid re-colonization of bacterial species necessary for the host. The presence of attachment is associated with a decrease in mortality and is therefore associated with prolongation of longevity in mammals.

“This does not mean that inflammatory bowel disease in humans changes longevity. In fact, inflammatory bowel disease at a young age can certainly benefit by increasing education. Immune system And allows it to fight more effectively in the event of a subsequent infection. Treatment Inflammation of the intestine is associated with inflammatory bowel disease and this work does not present any argument for altering this treatment approach. An appendectomy performed without inflammation of the bowel can only have bad consequences Pathology Inflammatory and Infectious Intestines », Refers to Eric Ozier Denise.

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So this work opens up new avenues Solid To answer the controversial question of the function of the appendix. They will be supplemented by field studies with different types of mammals to ensure a link between the following link and longevity.

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