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L’exoplanète baptisée HD 106906 b circule sur une orbite improbable autour d’une étoile double à 336 années-lumière de la Terre. Elle offre des indices sur celle que les astronomes appellent la « planète 9 » et qu’ils cherchent depuis plusieurs années aux confins de notre Système solaire. © M. Kornmesser, ESA

This “strange” exoplanet helps astronomers discover Planet 9

To explain the chaotic orbits of the dwarf planets at the edge of the solar system, astronomers have been considering “Planet 9” for years. However, it always escapes attention. But today, researchers have got their hands on an exoplanet whose behavior is similar to that theorized for “Planet 9”. What brings a little more credibility to the hypothesis.

On our edge The Solar System A strange story unfolds. A series Dwarf planets Go Eye sockets Trouble. To describe the event, Astronomers Present an idea of ​​existence in a region “Planet 9“. A planet is 10 times the size of Earth, very moving Strange. But this is imaginary, because it always escapes all observations.

Today, the story may have taken a step toward its condemnation. Thanks for the very accurate data collected Telescope Spatial Hubble And through mission Gaya, Astronomers One seems to have got their hands on it exoplanet It works as they imagined it could be the famous “Planet 9”.

She Door HD 106906 b. It was discovered in 2013 at 336 Light years Of the earth, on the side Galaxy From South Cross. To Mass It is estimated to be 11 times Thursday. This is more than the so-called “planet 9” mass.

This is what it brings exoplanet The mysterious unknown of our solar system is that it orbits at a distance of a couple of milesStars 737 guests Astronomical units, Or 737 times the distance between the Earth சோலைல் Or 25 times the distance between Neptune And the sun! Researchers now show that its orbit is very inclined – at an angle between 36 and 44 – very strange – with a period of at least 15,000 years – and outside the disk. The surrounding debris stars. Suffice it to say that the hypothesis of “Planet 9” is possible. Such distant planets could form within the first 10 million years of a star’s life.

Game of gravitational interactions

To illustrate the current configuration of the HD 106906 system, astronomers have relied on images from the disk’s Gemini (Chile) planetary imagery of debris orbiting the exoplanet’s host stars. They argue that it must have developed very closely with its stars. Only three times the Earth-Sun distance. Then “Something happened very early – Specific gravity reactions Star system Binary – Who threw the planet out before passing the stars – Astronomers have identified three potential candidates – Stabilize its orbit and prevent it from leaving its original structure. ”, Explains Paul Kalas, a researcher at the University of California Communication.

Like a time machine

“It’s a bit like we’re facing a time machine that allows us to see what might have happened in our teens. The Solar System», He adds in the press release Telescope Spatial Hubble. Contacts with Jupiter may have actually expelled a planet. But with such power she may have seen herself wandering in space like a wandering planet. Without the intervention of passing stars, it could be stabilized in an orbit to transform it into “Planet 9” from all the planets in the solar system.

“If a planet is hidden behind the obstacles found in the orbit of Transneptunian objects, it must have a strange orbit inclined relative to the plane of the solar system.”, Confirms Robert de Rosa, a member of the European Southern Study Group (Chile). Astronomers are now eagerly awaiting the data that the future James Web space telescope will be able to provide on the HD 106906B.