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The long-awaited game from Bethesda will be exclusively for Microsoft

The long-awaited game from Bethesda will be exclusively for Microsoft

Almost a year ago Microsoft Bought the company Genimax, And by her, the whole studio Bethesda, Responsible for other matters for sports Fall And Senior scrolls. Acquisition of $ 7.5 billion to allow Microsoft to compete Sony In the exclusive field. Gamers feared what would happen, one of Bethesda’s upcoming games would be really exclusive. Game The Boss.

Microsoft: Uniqueness confirmed

Is Correspondent Jeff Group says we are committed to this information. On Twitter, he responded to a message posted by a user Bethesda urges fans not to believe rumors. The Internet user gets the opportunity to mark Jeff Group For more information on some His views on possible specifics of Bethesda. What games are in Game Boss and what games are not. Thus one of the rumors was confirmed by Jeff Groop, Much to the amazement of Sony players:

Exclusive to Starfield Xbox and PC. Period. I confirm this.

May 15, 2021

Starfield is an Xbox and PC exclusive. Temporarily. This information is mine.

In fact, Journalist Jeff Groop investigated some Bethesda topics. At the end of it, he considers it Sports Starfield, Who should come out first Senior Scroll VI Will be Actually Microsoft is exclusive. This means it will only run on PC and Xbox, Of course the game Basil.

I’m Jeff. Yes, I do not mean to confirm this to Microsoft, I have confirmed it based on my statement.

May 16, 2021

I’m Jeff. I did not say that you all confirm this for Microsoft, I confirmed it after a statement.

A pronounced anxiety

Last March, The boss of Microsoft’s Xbox branch said it had taken into account the licenses purchased. The deals were well written before Genimax was acquired, All games combined with Bethesda and other development studios may not be separate. It will definitely be Senior Scroll VI, Its last teaser … from 2018. The game should not be released until 2026 According to some sources. So we have to be patient …

Such as Starfield, We told you in the previous article about the various rumors about the game. It should be released in 2021 or 2022. Some very light pictures have been leaked in the information CDN Network, This game will probably take place in our solar system, in the distant future. Learn more, We will definitely have to wait until mid-June for E3.

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