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Signer votre paperasse en ligne est un calvaire ? Cette astuce va changer votre vie

Signing your documents online is a dream come true? This trick will change your life

If the practice isn’t rocket science, many people find signing a digital document boring. Especially if you find that you need to print the PDF to sign it by hand, scan it again to send it online. Waste of time, ink and paper.

Therefore, we look for other solutions, for example, downloading the PDF into a word processing software and drawing the electronic signature with the “Draw” tool. With the signature… and the technique of the printer is very attractive.

However, there is a simple alternative to this time-consuming and ecologically ridiculous method. This administrative nirvana can be summed up in two words: Adobe Acrobat.

Again this week, it’s Camille who reveals her trick in the office, in front of a stunned Tonya. “But this thing is going to change my life!” She was excited. No more hassles of flying sheets, pens that give up, and other recalcitrant printers.

But what is this miracle? To sign all your future documents with one click, you should start by getting Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. You can download – for free – Here.

Once activated, there is no need to subscribe to the subscription – about twenty euros – to unlock the “signature” function. Open a PDF file with the software, right click and go to “Sign yourself”. You can access this option by clicking “Sign” on Windows and sometimes “Electronic Sign” on Mac in the top toolbar.

Several options are available to us: text typed on the keyboard, a cross, a tick, a circle, a line, a dot or… a personalized signature. The latter is of interest to us.

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Then pull down the two-choice menu of the “Signature” tab and select “Add Signature.”

Then there are three ways to proceed. First: Type their first and last name in a handwritten font. Bonus, it’s even possible to choose one that best suits your surname.

Second time drawing experts, armed with a tablet and digital pen, or with their mouse, are much better off. Because here, you have to “draw” your own signature. A simple exercise in style for some, a torture for others. The good news is, right-handed or left-handed, we’re all in the same boat. Personally, we lost our patience:

Finally, the third and last method – and certainly the safest and most effective way to recreate a real signature rather than life – is to import an image of your original signature. So yes, you have to go through the dreaded paper/scan signature diptych to save it to your files. But you have to select it, check the “Save signature” box, and you don’t have to repeat the operation again.

Adobe has created a complete tutorial, accessible Here.

Can document signatures make you sick? Trust: [email protected]