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Rise of foreigners admitted to hospital, this is a warning

Rise of foreigners admitted to hospital, this is a warning

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May 21, 2021
Presented by Camila Mosetti
(3 minute reading)

This is an event that will gradually reduce hospitalization Hospitals But there is another aspect to consider: patients who are still on the wards Govt More inside Therapy Intensive. Not just Italians, not just Romans.

In the last few weeks at least in big hospitals Capital, Primary and anesthesiologists have recorded the presence of foreign patients, mostly Asian and so on Indians e Pakistanis Those who have lived for many years Roma But they have always had a “channel” open to their own country. Even though the virus has started to “bite” less, thanks to the bad vaccine they somehow shrink it – even in a variant – and then end up in the hospital.

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This is the situation in Umberto I Polyclinic, where the presence of foreigners in intensive care is significant: “In the face of 25 people admitted to the hospital – tea director and resuscitation under normal anesthesia and sapiensa – Francesco Buglisi explains – we treat 7 Asian people living in the capital, but they are not born in India or Pakistan. This is not an inappropriate number because 30% of patients are in critical condition. ” Having so many people living in the same apartment makes it difficult to think about the reconstruction of relationships.

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Massimo Andreoni, president of the Dor Vercata and director of the Italian Society of Infectious Diseases, exposes a similar reaction. “Here again, hospitalization of foreigners is slightly higher than in recent weeks, so a significant increase is linked to the fact that these people are low compared to the overall reduction in admissions and hospital admissions covered by the vaccine because they did not, and it is very difficult to find their contacts .

In general, the pressure on hospitals is decreasing day by day: yesterday there were 1,323 people in normal Govt wards and 205 in intensive care in Lazio. One week ago the figure was higher: 1,599 in normal hospital admissions and 231 in intensive care professionals. Yesterday, as tampons increased (2,600 on the previous day), the number of new positives was 471 (minus 87 compared to Thursday) with 258 new cases in the capital, “risk level Decreases “less”, let the regional crisis unit know why he will resume scheduled surgery at several hospitals early next week.

Last Updated: May 22, 01:26
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