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Nintendo Player |  The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

Nintendo Player | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

We are back to the wonderful world of Oldrenuola, the legendary hero born in green. We will review and analyze the new Skyward sword in high definition.

Released in 2011 on the Nintendo Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword One of the most important episodes of the whole series Imagination From Nintendo Because this explains the origin of the myth for the first time. Honestly, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Considered as Introduction In all the video games in the series.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword This is one of the most popular topics today Ocarina of time, The Wind Walker e Twilight Princess Among them (especially thanks to the latter two) it buys many features. The players who approached this series Nintendo For the first time Wild breath They will notice large-scale differences between the two titles, but the sports activities already adopted in 2011 were relaunched in 2017. The Legend of Zelda: Wild Breath (Like the green circle reserved for endurance and climbing ability).

Often, as usual, the game begins with a Link Sleeping Above all, the connection may be a way of expressing the notion that a normal human being, like us, who wants to sleep, who is once awake, is ready to embark on the adventure that life has in store for him.

Link is a boy who was born and raised Oldrenuola, A floating and enchanted island that sits above the clouds. Legend has it that one day De Helia, Raised Oldrenuola and other small islands into the sky to save the earth and humans from an evil company. In doing so, the goddess imprisoned the evil force on earth. Today, the inhabitants of Oldrenuola live in peace in the sky (firmly believing that there is nothing under the clouds), grow pumpkins, ride the most powerful birds Solkanupi They worship Goddess Hilia with ceremonies and feasts. And the journey of myth begins with a ceremony.

After a series of events that show some familiar faces and new mysterious characters, our link is called to sink into the clouds to save his teenage friend, the beautiful and sweet girl Zelda.

This system is a third party adventure video game Link Free to explore small map locations interconnected by very short uploads. The first level is the floating island Oltrenuvola. Here is the freedom of action for the link; The odd player can chat with non-characters and sink into the clouds from many interesting places on the island and then fly with his vocabulary. As good as it gets Nintendo Always includes these categories Sports (Inside the boat Wind Walker, In Ebona Twilight Princess) To ensure a specific type of sports activities. In the giant back of the sky, Link can explore the other small islands of the floating archipelago, solve environmental puzzles and move from the world of clouds to the one below. Introduction The amazing amoeba of Zelda and her cloudwalker NFC has facilitated this last step by allowing those with the statue to instantly teleport from one world to another.

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As far as research on earth is concerned, as we have already said the link will be easily uploaded across the game map and divided by short uploads. Much of Link’s adventure will take place on Earth. Of course I am Dungeons While on the agenda, the employer on duty will give our young hero one of several (odd) tools (such as a machine beetle, for example). We came to the fight and here we see the exciting novelty of this new version Skyscraper sword. First, the caption is powered exclusively with motion controls (more precise thanks to the introduction of the Wii MotionPlus) Keep Nintendo. Now, the game features Two different styles: The first style gets Wii operating controls, but further improves its usability, the second allows you to play SkySwo For the first time with the controller buttons.

In particular, the button style is primarily designed for console portable mode and for those who play this fantastic adventure. Nintendo Switch Light. Let’s analyze two basic points of this game style: camera and sword attack.

Using Command Mode Buttons only, The game can only move the camera Holding down L button Then rotate the right analog stick (usually, enough to rotate the analog). We explain why. Perfect analog in Buttons only The link is reserved for sword movements, so if you tilt it to the right the link will strike from left to right, if you tilt it down the link will strike from top to bottom .. and so on. This is definitely the most interesting choice, which allows you to play the title designed and created to play with motion controls even where there are no motion controls (Nintendo Switch Lite). After some training, we guarantee that even the most confident player will be able to master these style controls. Of course, this style can be further improved (like this: assigning the perfect analog to the sword only when we lock an opponent with the ZL, so the camera can rotate freely at other times) But, as we said, little of you adventurers practice no problem.

Instead, using Restrictions during travel (Can only be used with Joy-Con, active style with Pro Controller always buttons only, regardless of game mode used, TV or laptop) Software It will first show the right joy-con on the screen and ask you to press the Y key Measure Cairo. After this very small operation, you can rotate the camera as usual, i.e. without holding down the correct analog and L key (like single buttons), but the sword attacks and moves the shield will be controlled by two joy-with and then their motion sensors. You will attack by moving the small controller to the right and use the shield on the left. In this case, the game is close to what is found on the Nintendo Wii, but it is clear in all its aspects.

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So, it is up to you to choose how to rotate the camera and attack the enemy. A third-style reserve may have served players who approached the series for the first time Wild breath, In order to guarantee the immediacy of the controls we all loved. But that’s okay.

As for the artistic size of the title in question, this version in HD gave it a very high quality graphics and much cleaner to the eye with many more details than the original. The moving world of connection seems like one The Greatest Impressionist Painting From Paul Czanne. Not to mention practically perfect game optimization on both TV and laptop. Resolution e Legal ratio Maximum possible. Great compliments for that too Soundtrack From Skyscraper sword This, thanks to this episode of Saga, puts Link and Zelda’s songs in the top 5 of the most beautiful and popular video game soundtracks. Who enjoyed attending one of Yin’s many concerts The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of Angels You will remember that there are songs in the queue Skyscraper sword They were definitely so cute.

Therefore, we face a better work ethic. Historical producer of the series, Easy ionoma, Declared Skyscraper sword It was the toughest development in the history of the series. Well, thanks to this high definition version, we can finally appreciate the hard work done by “Team Zelda” Nintendo. The plot is to be enjoyed (the story takes 25 to 30 hours to complete) and the story to follow with attention and surprise. Skyscraper sword Reveals some of the big “secrets” of the whole series.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Available at Nintendo Switch From July 16, 2021 Priced in physical and digital version (7GB space) 59.99. The title translates to Italian and is compatible with storage data Cloud, Pro Controller, HD Rumble, Gyroscope and Amoeba.


  • Optimization
  • Graphics
  • Soundtrack
  • Story and narrative
  • Control methods are buttons only.


  • … it could have been improved a little bit

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