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New game for Nintendo exclusive

New game for Nintendo exclusive

With the announcement of Fear of the already successful Android on Amazon, Offers people some new game footage taken from the Nintendo Home panel production.

After giving the first rich look at the title during the Nintendo Treehouse broadcast on E3 2021, Kyoto has made the first part of the game’s official website available. From the pages Japanese Teaser Portal of Metroid fearIn particular, now comes a new array Sports. Available directly at the beginning of this message, see section Samus Aran Chasing and colliding with a determined opponent is determined to prevent the progression of the side bouncer hunter.

Note that with the announcement of the Android scare, Nintendo immediately identified the exact release date of the game. The new Grande will reach my exclusive list Nintendo Switch Next 8 October 2021, Has not been released for many years with the arrival of the first episode of the Metro series. In the future, players will be able to take on the role of Samus Aran in the much-anticipated Metro Prime 4, which is still in development at Retro Studios.

Waiting for the launch, one can find a rich man on Evry’s pages Metroid scary preview, Written by our Marco Motura.

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