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Microsoft Introduces Windows 365 – Also Introduces New System Type

15.07.2021 – 01:09

Microsoft Corp.

Redmond, Washington (ots / PRNewswire)

Windows 365 provides a complete, personalized PC experience for every device from the cloud and provides protection for the performance, simplicity and hybrid work model of employees and organizations.

Microsoft Corp. Windows 365, a cloud service that offers a new way for businesses of all sizes to enjoy Windows 10 or Windows 11 (when available), was announced on Wednesday. Windows 365 brings the operating system to the Microsoft cloud and streams all Windows services – applications, data and systems – to private or enterprise devices. Based on the ZeroTrust security model, Windows 365 protects and stores information in the cloud, not just on the device, but for all employees, trainers, contractors, software developers or industrial designers, with a secure, production experience. Windows 365 also develops a new hybrid called “Personal Computing” called Cloud PC, which enhances both the power of the cloud and the device’s capabilities to deliver a complete, personalized Windows experience. This announcement marks a turning point as companies around the world are exploring better ways to operate hybrid work models with certain employees.

“We are developing a new variant with Windows 365: Cloud PC,” said Satya Nadella, President and CEO of Microsoft. “Just as applications with Sass have been transferred to the cloud, we are now bringing the operating system to the cloud, and provide companies with more flexibility and a safer way to transform their employees into a more productive and better network, regardless of location.”

New computer paradigm for hybrid work models

As the epidemic is slowly declining in some parts of the world, a new work order is emerging that is subject to major changes with virtual processes and remote cooperation. In this more dispersed environment, employees need access to corporate resources and devices in many places – and as cyber threats increase, it is important to protect these resources.

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“Hybrid work has changed the role of technology in companies today,” said Jared Spadaro, corporate vice president of Microsoft 365. Employees have never come from many places, and companies need experience with increased versatility, simplicity and security that require new ways to deliver a better productivity. Cloud PC is an exciting new type of hybrid personal computing that transforms any device into a personalized, productive and secure digital workplace. Today’s announcement of Windows 365 is the beginning of what is possible if we break the boundaries between device and cloud. ”

Windows 365 helps employers solve problems they encountered long before the outbreak. Workers are given more flexibility and options to work from different places while maintaining the security of the company data. Seasonal workers can be temporarily added to a team without logistics challenges such as releasing new hardware or securing personal devices – allowing the company to adapt more efficiently and safely during busy times. In addition, companies can easily ensure that employees who are technically specialized in the creative, analytical, technical or scientific levels have more computer power and secure access to the critical applications they need.

Versatile, simple, secure: Transformation effects of Windows 365

Based on the proven Windows operating system and cloud strength, Windows 365 offers more security for each company in three ways:

- Leistungsstark. Dank des sofortigen Starts auf ihren persönlichen Cloud-PC können Benutzer alle ihre Anwendungen, Tools, Daten und Einstellungen über jedes Gerät aus der Cloud streamen. Windows 365 bietet die volle PC-Erfahrung in der Cloud. Die Cloud bietet zudem Vielseitigkeit in Bezug auf Rechenleistung und Speicher, sodass die IT-Abteilung je nach Bedarf skaliert oder verkleinert werden kann. Dank der Wahl zwischen Windows 10 oder Windows 11 (sobald letzteres zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt im Jahr 2021 allgemein verfügbar ist), können Unternehmen den für sie geeigneten Cloud-PC mit monatlichen Preisen pro Benutzer auswählen. 
- Einfach. Mit einem Cloud-PC können sich Benutzer anmelden und auf allen Geräten dort weitermachen, wo sie aufgehört haben. Dies bietet eine einfache und vertraute Windows-Erfahrung, die von der Cloud bereitgestellt wird. Für die IT vereinfacht Windows 365 zudem die Bereitstellung, Updates und Verwaltung - und im Gegensatz zu anderen Lösungen erfordert Windows 365 keine Virtualisierungserfahrung. Mit Windows 365, das für den Endpunkt optimiert ist, kann die IT ganz einfach Cloud-PCs für ihr Unternehmen beschaffen, bereitstellen und verwalten, genauso wie sie physische PCs über Microsoft Endpoint Manager verwalten.  Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen können Windows 365 direkt oder über einen Cloud-Service-Provider erwerben und ihre Unternehmen mit wenigen Klicks mit Cloud-PCs einrichten. Microsoft entwickelt auch weiterhin Innovationen in Azure Virtual Desktop für Unternehmen mit umfassender Virtualisierungserfahrung, die mehr Anpassungs- und Flexibilitätsoptionen wünschen. 
- Sicher. Windows 365 ist von Grund auf sicher und basiert auf dem Zero-Trust-Sicherheitsmodell. Informationen werden gesichert und in der Cloud gespeichert, nicht auf dem Gerät. Windows 365  ist immer auf dem neuesten Stand und baut auf der Stärke der reichhaltigen Sicherheitsfunktionen und Ausgangswerte von Microsoft auf. Damit vereinfacht es die Sicherheit und empfiehlt die besten Sicherheitseinstellungen für die jeweilige Umgebung. 

New Opportunities for Microsoft Partner Ecosystem

For decades, Microsoft has placed its partners at the center of delivering technology and business change to customers around the world. The mission of Microsoft’s Cloud Offerings and Technology portfolio is to provide partners with the opportunity to create innovative, professional solutions. With Windows 365, partners still have plenty of options.

The new cloud PC type offers Microsoft partners the opportunity to experience new Windows in the cloud, ranging from computer coordinators and managed service providers to independent software providers (ISVs) and original tool manufacturers (OEMs).

Companies will turn to system coordinators and managed service providers to help them get the most out of their entire Windows inventory. Independent software vendors can continue to build Windows applications and now deploy them in the cloud, allowing companies to digitally transform themselves into new ones. OEMs have the opportunity to integrate Windows 365 into a wider range of services, with robust features and secure hardware.

“In a new world, they need workplace technology that employees are familiar with, that it is easy to use, secure and always available,” said Seaganheim, a leading global modern workplace home in Avon. “With Windows 365, Microsoft is helping to increase the power of the cloud anywhere, on all devices, and improve the workplace experience.”


Windows 365 is generally available to businesses of all sizes from August 2, 2021. For more information, see

Information about Microsoft

Microsoft (NASDAQ “MSFD” Microsoft) enables digital transition to the age and brilliant edge of an intelligent cloud. The mission of the company is to empower every person on the planet to achieve more for the company.

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