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How to download dicto video for mp4 without logo / watermark?

How to download dicto video for mp4 without logo / watermark?

Dictoc use is now limited to “Taste of the Month”. Now installed on millions of devices, it’s a pleasure for videographers to learn here how to download a video in MP4 format without logo or watermark!

Dictoc, an app that can watch billions of online videos on your phone, does not provide any internal tools to download these videos. But many third party sites and applications allow this! TikTok videos are very easy to download, whether on Android or iOS.

Tick ​​Tock: How to download video in .MP4 format without logo and watermark?

Start downloading a video a tiktokeur, Nothing could be simpler than skipping one of the many websites that allow it. To go even faster, running external applications Android And iOS Offer to retrieve videos Directly on his smartphone gallery. Whatever your preference, here’s how.

Download Tic Tac Toe Video:

Go to one of the sites, via direct links.

Then go to your Dictoc app and select the video you want to download. From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true music begins! The link must be restored via the Share option, Then copy the link. Note that the following 3 sites are running on your Android / iOS mobile browser, which will download the video directly to your gallery.

Otherwise, re-type the link manually to download the .mp4 file to your computer!


Download Tic Tac Toe Video on Android / iOS Mobile:

Tick ​​Tock is basically an app for mobile users, and these users have plenty of choices when downloading videos from the app.

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The 1st option is to select one of the sites above, the links to which will lead to a bar in which the user will only need to enter the URL of the dictation.

Another option is to download a third-party application on your smartphone.

Go to the iPhone Store or Android Store “Tick ​​Tock DownloaderAny of the first 5-6 choices are functional and valid!