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La toute première image du trou noir central de la Voie lactée vient d'être dévoilée par l'EHT. Elle est le fruit de cinq ans de calculs acharnés, après une campagne d'observation effectuée en 2017. © EHT, ESO

Here is the first image of the giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way!

4 p.m. Here is a comparison of two black holes, M87 * and Sagittarius A *! ” We have two completely different types of galaxies and two different masses of black holes, but near the edge of these black holes they are surprisingly identical. “It simply came to our notice then Was contacted Co-Chair and Professor of the Scientific Council of CNRS, EHTAstronomy Theory at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. ” It tells us General relativity Manages these objects closely, and any difference we see in the distance must be due to differences in matter surrounding the black holes.

3:45 p.m. Many animations and information are included. In particular, there are many images that illustrate how important the work of researchers is: they contained a large number of images on average. Now they want to compare two images obtained, which are very similar to very different black holes: one represents 4 million solar masses – Sagittarius A *, and the other 6.5 billion solar masses, M87 *! “We have images for two black holes – one large node and one small node.The universe – So, we can go even further in testing behavior Gravity In these extreme circumstances than ever before. Keichi Asada, co-author of one of the six studies published in the journal, said. Letters from the Journal of AstronomyAnd researcher at the Institute of Astronomy and Astronomy in Taipei.

3:35 p.m. We suspected it, but researchers confirm it: Sagittarius A * proof is actually a Black hole ! “We were amazed at how well the size of the ring matched the predictions of the general theory of relativity.EinsteinJeffrey Bower, EHT Project Scientist, Institute of Astronomy and Astronomy, Academy Sineca, Taipei. The Collection disk Sagittarius orbits A * in a matter of minutes, compared to several days or weeks for M87 *, scientists explain. This means The Brightness Changed quickly during the observations made, and then complicates the calculations to obtain an image.

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3:07 pm: This is the world’s first EHT researcher (Event Horizon Telescope) And thisESO (European South Observatory) Sagittarius A * has now released the first image of the black hole! “We have been close many times before.” Said in Press conference ESO President Xavier Barcons. Located in our center Galaxy The Milky Way At 27,000 Light years From us, this astronomical monster with a mass of 4 million solar masses can reach the diameter of its horizon 6 million kilometers or 15 times the distance of the Earth-Moon.

Synchronized telescopes around the world and 5 year calculations!

Getting this picture is not easy! It all started in April 2017 with a surveillance campaign Interferometry Very long foundation, also called VLBI. This tracking technique involves the simultaneous use of several people Radio telescopes In order to create the equivalent of a giant interferometer in the world, the size of the earth. In doing so, the Resolution Angular size, which defines the smallest angle that researchers can observe in detail, is so small that many objects that are generally invisible are visible. This is M87 * and Sagittarius A *, The two black holes will be identical in their apparent diameter and will require the resolution that VLBI can achieve. Effect, M87 * At 6.5 billion solar masses and 50 million light-years, Sgr A * is much larger and farther away, so its diameter from Earth is equal to Sgr A *.

EHT cooperation, thanks to this method, makes it possible to achieve the world’s largest angular resolution force. Eight were inside during the 2017 surveillance Radio telescopes Located around the world: Mexico, Chile, Antarctic, USA, Spain. In each case, the antenna Radio It is located at a high altitude, in order to remove air pollution as much as possible. This process requires a lot of preparation because the synchronization must be perfect. Therefore, the only surveillance campaign by this method took place in 2017, more precisely from April 4 to 14, 2017. Then comes data analysis! This phase is just as difficult and super demanding as the first phase Computers, Are called communicators. In total, more than 350 people participated in this technological achievement. Therefore, in 2019, the First image of the M87 * Released, but not the Sagittarius A * that the scientific community expected.

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Finally, researchers want to test general relativity

But what does this film bring scientifically? Many things. First, getting the actual appearance of the black hole allows it to be sampled and compared Simulations Existing, in order to fix them. So lets learn more about this Black hole physics. In fact, gaining the dimension of the horizon, also known as the shadow of the black hole, and the luminosity surrounding it give many clues to its properties: of course its size, its mass, but above all the dynamics of its disk. Multiplication. It is made up of matter that attracts towards the black hole itself, heats up to very high temperatures and rotates at relative speeds. In fact, it only takes 4 minutes and 30 seconds for the disk dust to form. Around the circular path Around the black hole, let’s remember that it has a diameter of 6 million kilometers!

This also allows Astronomers To test general relativity established by Einstein in 1916, under strong domain rule: When particles change relatively. They see the curve of light caused by the effects of gravity, ” Gravity lens ”: The black hole is so large that it does not follow the linear path of light as it approaches. This capability opens up a new way to test general relativity in strong-field regulation and to study and study the accumulation and flow processes at the edge of the black hole. Body Basis and existence of black holes Event boundaries.

You have to remember

  • In 2017, a major surveillance campaign was launched around the world to monitor two black holes, M87 * and Sgr A *, located 50 million light-years and 27,000 light-years apart, respectively.
  • Then, on April 10, 2019, the first photo of the M87 * was released, but not the photo of the SgrA *, which required many more calculations.
  • After three years of extra work, this first film finally came out on May 12, 2022! The reason for this “delay”: Sagittarius A *, the object in the concentric disk around the central black hole, rotates so fast that it completes its orbit in a few minutes. This makes the obtained images unstable and requires more computational time.
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