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Dual Sense Unboxing: Home Boxing on PlayStation 5 Controller Photos

Dual Sense Unboxing: Home Boxing on PlayStation 5 Controller Photos

If the PlayStation 5 is still expected in France by November 19th, parts will be available from November 12th, we have already got ours. So, from the beginning of November it is an opportunity to open the right system with you, to provoke even more impatience at its already high level. In the front part of the accessories Apparently the new controller PlayStation, Aptly named Dual Sense.

If you already want to anticipate future frenzy local co-op games, or want to get a second backup controller that is always charged, here is the “detailed” content of your future box. ):

  • Hand cuff Dual Sense ;
  • Eternal Little Brief Guide.

That’s it! No, do not look for it, no extra charging cable is included … The controller is safe in its cardboard packaging (without plastic or bubble wrap) and unlike any other parts.

On the next page you will see that not all photos of the house are open, you can buy The Dual Sense at 69.99 Fnac.

Also read: Dual Sense Test: PS5 controller … incredible

Author VignetJeffrey F.
Administrator – Editor – Writer
In God of War and Dead Space (1 and 2, real), trophy hunters are interested in relief and cinema.
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