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"Continuous" data security concerns: Facebook cancels automated face recognition - Media - Community

“Continuous” data security concerns: Facebook cancels automated face recognition – Media – Community

The online site Facebook is often canceling automatic facial recognition. Meta, the parent company of the United States, on Tuesday justified the move with privacy concerns. Data required for face recognition will also be deleted from more than one billion users.

“There are many concerns about the place of face recognition technology in the community and regulators are still in the process of establishing clear rules for its use,” Meta said.

Due to this “continuous uncertainty”, it is appropriate to “limit facial recognition to a limited number of application events”. It is unknown when this change will take effect.

According to the company, one-third of daily active Facebook users have “chosen our face recognition system” since its launch in 2010.

Most recently, users had to give their explicit consent for their names to be automatically displayed to Facebook friends in photos. Especially in Europe, the online network with face recognition has faced opposition from data protectors.

Problem function

This activity has already caused the issue several times on Facebook. The company paid more than half a billion dollars last year to settle a lawsuit in the US state of Illinois. The state has had a law since 2008 to prevent the collection of biometric data without the permission of those involved. Plaintiffs allege that Facebook violated it by creating profiles to identify faces in photos.

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The tool will automatically identify those in the uploaded photos or videos and notify those involved. Recently, however, concerns about data protection law have been on the rise.

Confused team

The California group is currently in the worst crisis since its inception. He has been accused of violating the privacy of his users, acting as a loudspeaker for dangerous misinformation, and harming the well-being of young Internet users by not taking adequate action against the spread of hateful messages and bullying on his sites.

Most recently, the revelations of whistleblower and former Facebook employee Francis Hougan caused a stir. Haugen accuses his former employer of putting his own profits above the safety and public good of its users. Facebook has categorically denied the allegations.

The proliferation of face recognition technology has also been viewed more critically in recent years. Clearview AI also contributed, compiling a large database based on publicly available photos from services such as online networks and Instagram. According to its own information, Clearview AI provides its services only to police and other security officials. However, their data collection methods have raised concerns about the uncontrolled spread of technology.

Facebook and other services are trying to stop downloading images en masse. However, companies like Clearview were able to avoid repeated actions. (AFP / dpa)