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After the racist debate: Mohrenstras in Berlin-Mitte will be called Wilhelm-Amo-Strauss-Berlin in the future

After the racist debate: Mohrenstras in Berlin-Mitte will be called Wilhelm-Amo-Strauss-Berlin in the future

Mohrenstras becomes Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Strauss. The Mitteh district office decided this at a meeting in late March. In August last year, the district legislature recommended that the district office be renamed.

The name of the street has been discussed for some time because it is considered by many to be racist. For example, last July, PVG announced that it wanted to rename the associated underground station.

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The new name Amo came to the court of Braunschweig-Wolfenbettel in 1707, when he was a toddler. He is considered the first black German philosopher and jurist.

However, the renaming may take some time to appear on the street signs: first, the decision must be published in the official gazette, and then discrepancies are possible. The street can be properly renamed only after any cases and appeals have been resolved. A spokesman for the district office said it was not yet clear when the new street signs would hang.

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