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Pour célébrer le 31e anniversaire du lancement du télescope spatial Hubble, les astronomes ont dirigé le célèbre observatoire vers l'une des étoiles les plus brillantes de notre Galaxie pour capturer sa beauté. L'étoile géante présentée dans cette dernière image d'anniversaire du télescope spatial Hubble mène un bras de fer entre la gravité et le rayonnement pour éviter l'autodestruction. L'étoile, appelée AG Carinae, est entourée d'une coquille en expansion de gaz et de poussières. La nébuleuse mesure environ cinq années-lumière de large, ce qui équivaut à la distance d'ici à notre étoile la plus proche, Proxima du Centaure. © Nasa, ESA and STScI

A.G., one of the brightest stars in the Hubble Milky Way for 31 years. Zoom in on the carina

The Hubble telescope is still alive, yet the space shuttle can’t go and fix it. Every year we celebrate its orbit, and on its 31st anniversary, Hubble draws a portrait of one of the rarest and brightest stars in the local galaxy.

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As Hubble celebrates three decades of good and loyal service, we invite you to look back at the major discoveries that marked his life. Thanks to the millions of observations made since its introduction, the space telescope has actually revolutionized our basic understanding of the universe.

It has been a tradition for some time, NASA And thisThat Celebrate every year The anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, April 24, 1990. Its orbit Eye Nuspier was carried by the American space shuttle at the time Discovery. As usual, the images taken with Hubble attract attention, as they relate to one of the approximately 48,000 celestial objects, some of which are more than 1.5 million. Observations during more than 181,000 Hubble revolutions around our Blue Planet.

This year, it is one of the monsters of the given cosmic beast: A.G. Kareena. In the Milky Way, about 20,000 light-years from Earth, it is the brightest star in the universe சோலைல் And contains at least 70 solar masses. It is located in the constellation Karina. But despite its strong brilliance, it is generally invisible to the naked eye because its large distance represents many Galactic clouds Come between us and her. But it is a Variable star, Which eventually does its Explicit size Incorrectly vary between sizes 5.7 and 9.0.

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A.G. The estimated lifespan of the star Carine is 5 million to 6 million years. It has been in a constant battle for thousands of years between an unstable equilibrium and its gravitational pressure, which tends to compress, and the flow of radiation generated in its heart by thermonuclear reactions blows it away. Sometimes the flow beats and the object explodes, forming a nebula around the star. In this video he draws attention for Hubble’s 31st anniversary in Earth orbit. Images are visible and taken in ultraviolet light. To get the most accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle in the lower right. English subtitles should appear later. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then “Subtitles” and finally “Automatically Translate”. Select “French”. © NASA, ESA Hubble Space Telescope

A.G. Karina, very rare blue light variable

One of its peculiarities that justifies the 31-year-old Hubble presentation, it is one Nebula It is estimated to have a radius of a few light years and a mass of about 10 to 15 solar masses. This nebula is clearly the result of a strong instability, which is what makes AG. Led to a massive and rapid evacuation of the upper layers of the carinae. Simple model of this discharge and measurement of velocities Thing The nebula has been reported to have erupted 10,000 years ago in its eruption.

This behavior is not surprising, since A.G. Karine turns into a blue light (in English, Glowing blue variable Or LBV), representative of the type variable stars S. Toradus Or Hubble-Sandage variables. S. Toradus Kinman is located in the dwarf galaxy, about 75 million light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. It was used to define a class of very rare hypergiant blue and very bright variable stars, first observed and listed Edwin Hubble And Alan Sandage In 1953, in Andromeda galaxy. They are actually rare because more than fifty of our local group of neighboring galaxies are known (undoubtedly there are many more, but they are undoubtedly in the minority).

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A.G. Since Karine is the biggest star, it burns its thermonuclear fuel at breakneck speed and although a few million years old, it didn’t take long for it to explode to give an amazing supernova. Meanwhile, his nebula is being designed Holes A.G. Carinae are emitting stars, some of which can reach speeds of up to a million kilometers per hour.

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