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Free document to download to improve your 2022 campaigns

Free document to download to improve your 2022 campaigns

Every year, many events take place, such as sales, international days or sports competitions. Brands have many dates to improve their business, increase their sales and retain their customers. To use it properly, you need to have a clear vision of the future, seize every opportunity and anticipate the changes that need to be made in your strategy. For this reason, it is essential to have a marketing calendar that allows for an overview of upcoming events and saves time on actions that need to be taken.

Download the 2022 Marketing Calendar

A calendar that looks forward to your campaigns and business activities

2022 is fast approaching, so now is the perfect time to prepare your marketing campaigns and build future advertising offers. To help businesses, Qualifio offers free download Premium document consolidating 311 key dates to establish itself in 2022.

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We can say that the publisher of this document is very legitimate while relying on key dates to create relevant and efficient contextual experiences. The platform allows brands and media groups to create and publish interactive campaigns across more than fifty formats across all channels. In this calendar, Qualification It puts its expertise in the service of community managers, marketing managers, CRM managers and other marketing experts so they can prepare for the upcoming events.

Each year, more than 10,000 of them use this marketing calendar to find important dates and adjust their campaigns accordingly. This document integrates over 311 events around which you can create content or initiate actions to achieve your marketing objectives. Each month, you get the top 5 events to watch, as well as inspiration to discover new and original ideas for your campaigns. It’s even possible to integrate Qualifio’s calendar into your own Google Calendar to avoid missing any important dates!

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Download the 2022 Marketing Calendar

311 key dates in 2022

The 2022 Marketing Calendar is designed to tap brands into a complete event pool and tailor their speeches to the context.

The Australian Open is set to begin in January. An opportunity to find their community’s favorite athletes and find out their opinion on the competition. In short, it is an opportunity to build connectivity with its customers and strengthen the social aspect surrounding its brand!

In February, Valentine’s Day is an unmissable event. As February 14 approaches, it makes sense to implement a marketing campaign to win the hearts of your prospects and customers, whether they are in a relationship or alone.

A few weeks later, on March 8, was International Women’s Day. It’s time to test your community’s knowledge and teach them about women’s history. Other days take place, such as World Recycling Day or Poetry Day.

After the arrival of spring comes April Fools and Easter, but also International Book Day. We have been celebrating Mother’s Day since May and Father’s Day in June. Two days later, the beginning of summer. During the months of July and August, there are major events such as the Tour de France and festivals, Tour and Tomorrowland.

In September, autumn begins and the chats go out at the beginning of the school year. After a few weeks, it’s time to celebrate Halloween, an opportunity to set up a creative campaign. Next month will be halted by the World Cup, which starts on November 21st and ends on December 18th, just before the holiday season. Now is the time to set up the tree, why not, and encourage its visitors to take part in the day of the ugly Christmas sweater.

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With Qualifyo’s marketing calendar, you’re at your fingertips with ideas for your campaigns and a worldview of events not to be missed. Don’t forget to download it !

Download the 2022 Marketing Calendar