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Z Z8 Pro Test: An electric scooter at the pinnacle of endurance and comfort

Z Z8 Pro Test: An electric scooter at the pinnacle of endurance and comfort

Massively, the Z8 Pro is very clear. This electric scooter does not run briefly in the backyard of an E-Dow Booster V. It shows a design with sharp stripes and is often worn on the successful khaki green brushed aluminum. The appearance of strong character is clearly evident from the machine. The results are serious and we do not regret any drama in different areas. When unlocking, all you have to do is screw on the brake levers and the screen block. The Z brand has good taste to offer a set of keys that will be used throughout the life of the scooter. Tightening a small regular screw can actually be very effective in this type of racing car, especially if you are facing flat terrain.

Easy adjustment of handle height.

Easy adjustment of handle height.

The column supporting the handles is wide and its height can be adjusted by a binding mechanism. It is very practical to place the handles at the correct height to be conveniently installed. It has a range of approximately 30 cm which is offered to the user and fills different sizes. After selecting the correct height and lowering the climbing lever, we did not find any defects in this system.

Very wide deck to accommodate legs.

Very wide deck to accommodate legs.

The particularly large deck (20 cm wide and 58 cm long) easily accommodates both legs, even the largest. Z chose to cover only 2 strips of this plate grip. In practice, we do not find fault with this choice. Shoes always maintain a good grip on the surface. The special feature of the Z8 Pro is that it has a small footrest that comes over the rear fender. The latter supports whether you want to tilt the weight backwards, whether it is going down a sidewalk or doing emergency braking. The Z8 Pro benefits from mudguards on the front and rear, which is a good point to avoid dirty bottoms in wet conditions. However, the rear mudguard deserves to go down a bit to completely block the projections.

Very comfortable handles.

Very comfortable handles.

On a good road, the Z8 Pro has 59cm wide handles. Maintaining the correct stability of the machine and holding the handlebars with one hand occasionally without full movement. The rubber grips are very comfortable and should rest the palms with specific growth. Positioning the brake levers as desired is a real plus for user convenience. The left lever activates the rear wheel drum brake, while the right lever operates the same type of brake at the front. On the left, there is a small mechanical bell, which is now required by law to regulate electric scooters.

Z8 Pro's small LCD screen.

Z8 Pro’s small LCD screen.

The Z8 Pro adopts an interesting electronic locking system. If you want to start it, the scooter requires authentication with a small card with an RFID chip. This can prevent some thieves. These cards are included with the purchase of three scooters, and they can be easily attached to a main ring.

Unlock with RFID card.

Unlock with RFID card.

The accelerator is placed under the index finger of the right hand and activates naturally. This plastic attachment emerges from the screen integration module. The latter, in color, displays essential information (instantaneous speed, distance traveled, battery level, selected speed and changing sides). When outdoor conditions are very bright, the display has little brightness. Only the big figures of instantaneous speed are ever known, and it already is. Navigating through some options is done simply by using the “+” and “-” buttons. First a long press turns the side lights on and off.

The Z8 Pro has a column of 2 lights and LEDs on the front.

The Z8 Pro has a column of 2 lights and LEDs on the front.

These lights, which are mandatory, are useful. On the front, two headlights are placed on each side of the deck. They effectively illuminate the roadway and provide a wider field of view. This device is more efficient than the simple LED lights we see on the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 2 Pro or Pablo scooters. At the rear, two red parking lights illuminate when using one of the brake levers. Suitable for alerting other users. The front of the column is covered with a strip of LEDs, which is more visible than illuminating the sidewalk.

A folding system that is easy to operate.

A folding system that is easy to operate.

Despite the huge format, the Z8 Pro knows how to fold effectively. To fold the handles, pull the metal lever at the base of the shaft. The handles can be folded by simply unscrewing the part that holds them. The Z’s scooter will be much smaller than a Xiaomi Mi electric scooter Pro 2, which will be much thicker when folded. The Z8 Pro can be stored in a large closet or in the trunk of a car without much hassle.

Z8 Pro and its 20 kg.

However, the Chinese scooter should not be taken to a portable machine. Its 20kg makes it the enemy of stairs and public transport. Additionally, the Z8 Pro does not roll over when folded. The only solution is to work our muscles by holding on to the gallows. The Z8 Pro is not designed with multimodal thinking in mind, which is a fact.

The Z8 Pro reveals its beauty only when driving. Most of the electric scooters, it offers 3 driving modes, each with its own speed limit (at 5, 15 and 25 km / h). The first is that it is particularly welcome to be left in circulation when approved, without much risk on a sidewalk.

The accelerator is placed under the index finger.

The accelerator is placed under the index finger.

If electric scooters on the highway code in France should not exceed 25 km / h, we quickly realize that the Z8 Pro and its 500W motor are not designed for this type of barrier. The beginnings of the Chinese scooter are lively without being too brutal. You do not have to push your feet to start the engine to pick up the motor. On the other hand, you have to deal with a slight delay between pressing the trigger and the accelerator. A half-second delay, which is important in some situations where a reaction is required. In use, the pilot ends up anticipating this small setback, which will eventually be forgotten while driving.

A comfortable driving position.

A comfortable driving position.

It only takes 4 seconds for the Z8 Pro to reach 0 to 25km / h on the flat. Thus the Z model is slightly faster than the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 and E-Duo Booster V, which takes a second to reach speeds of 25 km / h. The Z8 Pro seems to be struggling to control its excitement in the long run. A few nonsense is realized, the scooter accelerates slightly before being ordered by its controller, and then slows down. This phenomenon causes the battery to disintegrate when drained. In the mountains, the power and torque of the Z8 Pro prove invaluable. The engine is maintained at the same speed as the flat, except for the really marked slopes, which give up a few km / h. Speed ​​changes in the mountains are also well managed. Even after going slow, the pilot can regain his maximum speed.

8.5 inch front wheel.

8.5 inch front wheel.

As Pablo, The Z8 Pro can maintain the same level of performance than its battery fully tolerates. A really strong point is that it is common to try electric scooters as its capacity decreases once the battery exceeds 50% of the bar.

Z has chosen to match his scooter with different sizes of tires: an 8.5-inch inflated tire on the front and an 8-inch solid tire on the rear. The former has excellent road holding for him, while not being afraid of punctures. Changing the tire on the wheel connecting the electric motor is a wise choice as it can be painful.

Rear suspension of Z8 Pro.

Rear suspension of Z8 Pro.

One of the biggest assets of this Z8 Pro is the presence of front and rear suspensions. This gives the engine a lot of comfort, absorbing most of the bumps it encounters on the road or in lanes. It is even possible to take paths without many problems. Because the Z8 Pro is so heavy, it can be very difficult to climb urban environments with sidewalks.

Two brake lights on the rear.

Two brake lights on the rear.

Let’s talk about braking and dual drum brakes that work great in stopping the introduced Z8 Pro at full speed. It is still 5 meters to come to a complete stop, which is enough to require an E-Two booster V.

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