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YouTube: Downloading Video on Your Phone Now Possible (Tutorial!)

Want to watch YouTube videos offline on your smartphone? There are many ways to do this, but finding the right one can be a bit difficult. Even on the YouTube site, the official YouTube download methods vary by region, and the methods of downloading third-party videos are constantly changing. Here’s how to download youtube videos on your smartphone.

Need to download YouTube videos from third-party sites?

A word of warning before you start: The official YouTube apps are the only reliable way to download the videos you need. All other methods may stop working at any time or be taken over by individuals who do not care about your experience (or your safety).

We can say that you will have no problem downloading videos if you use YouTube Processors, the same guarantee does not apply to any of the third party sites or applications mentioned in this article. Generally, when you download YouTube videos from third-party sites, you should expect to open pop-ups, NSFW ads and unrelated tabs full of ads.

The most reliable methods for downloading videos include using the following desktop applications, such as the best 4K video downloader applications, which we have already recommended. However, we are going to focus on ways to download YouTube videos using your smartphone.

How To Download Videos With YouTube Premium

The official way is the best and most reliable way to download YouTube videos for offline viewing. YouTube Premium is a subscription that removes ads from YouTube and offers the option to download videos. If these features are important to you, you can subscribe for $ 11.99 per month.

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If you live outside the United States, you can download YouTube videos without paying a premium. Check out this list of where to download videos without paying a YouTube premium. Even if you are in these regions it is a good idea to note that you may need YouTube Premium to download certain videos that restrict downloads.

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To download videos using the official YouTube app, first open any video and tap the App icon. Download In the title of the video. YouTube will ask for the quality of the download, select the quality you want and press the button Download Save it and view it offline.

Quickly view all downloaded videos by going to the page Library In the YouTube app and tap Downloads.

How To Download Videos Through YouTube Go

In some regions, YouTube has introduced a processor called YouTube Go, which allows you to download videos. This app is specially designed for cheap Android phones used in countries with poor connectivity or expensive cellular data programs.

YouTube Go lets you download videos directly to your Android phone’s microSD card. You can consult the properties of the application on the following site Google Play (link does not work on your device or your region). Before you download, keep in mind that this is a streamlined version of YouTube. You will not be able to watch live videos and high resolution clips on this processor.

How To Download YouTube Videos With Apple Shortcuts (iPhone Only)

If you have an iPhone, Apple’s shortcut processor Swiss Army Knife for you … Download. The iPhone automation enthusiast community has created a number of great shortcuts, one of which is called JAYD, which is just another abbreviation for another YouTube downloader. Here’s how to download videos using this shortcut.

  1. Download shortcuts on your iPhone. To run third-party programs (also called social programs) on your iPhone, you must have an operating system (once), you must run the shortcut once.
  2. If you do not know how to do this, open the application and go to the section Gallery Tab.
  3. Scroll down until you see different types of shortcuts such as Essentials.
  4. Click here to select any shortcut Add a shortcut.
  5. Go now My shortcuts In the app and tap the shortcut you downloaded to run it.
  6. When this is done, go ahead Settings & gt; Shortcuts On your iPhone and activate Allow unreliable shortcuts.
  7. You can now download JAYD from RoutineHub (This is a third-party gallery for shortcuts). Open the website on your iPhone and tap Get the shortcut Once on RoutineHub and back on the download page.
  8. This will open the shortcut app, where you can scroll down and select Add an unreliable shortcut. If you have knowledge, check the steps of the shortcut to make sure it is safe.
  9. The final step in the process is to download the script, which allows you to run JavaScript on an iPhone.
  10. Once the installation is complete, open the YouTube app on your iPhone and go to any video. Then click the button To share Open the list of applications to be shared under the video title. Scroll to the right and select Further.
  11. This will open the share sheet on your iPhone. Scroll down and select Jait From the list. You will be asked if you want to download the video or listen to the audio. You can choose Download the video.
  12. You can choose to save the video on your camera roll or in the Files app. Once one is selected and the shortcut is activated, the video will open for you to watch offline.
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JAYD Shortcut allows you to download YouTube videos on iPhone.
Screenshot: Pranoy Broad

JAYD will periodically ask permission to access certain websites (to access video), scripts (to complete the download process) and your photo gallery (to save video). Allow access to these items when you ask.

How To Download Videos With Online YouTube Downloader

The last way to download YouTube videos on your smartphone is to use an online video downloader. Online downloaders generally do not have the full range of resolutions for downloading videos. You will often end up with a low resolution video to watch online … but it is always better than anything.

I tried some and liked the You open the site, paste in the video URL and press the button Orange download button. This site will show you many resolutions for downloading video, but only useful ones Blue modules with camera icon. Tap any blue volume to download video with sound