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What surprises will Nintendo show during the E3?  Millennium Pokemon

What surprises will Nintendo show during the E3? Millennium Pokemon

L ‘E3 Closer and closer, the event has only a few more days to come, and you can participate in the comfort of your home this year By registering as a fan at the exhibition. Further Nintendo Participating in this E3, a Lead character The last few weeks have brought a lot of hype to the event provided by the rumors. What will Kyoto House offer us this year?

The Big N may show a large amount of content that stretches from the most anticipated games to the new consoles, which are now spoken of with much emphasis each week. Nintendo may surprise everyone with its announcements during this E3, but let’s see what the Japanese company shows.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

One of the most anticipated games by Nintendo fans waiting to see some news on its sequel The Legend of Zelda: Wild Breath For almost two years now. The first trailer for the game was shown during E3 2019, so it would be appropriate to see more during the same event, but not in 2021. After the release of the HD version The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordThis happened during the Nintendo Direct in February, Easy Anuma He said that News related to the 35th anniversary The title will come this year. Therefore, expecting news about this sequel will not be a fantasy and developmental information and a fictional release date may come.

Nintendo E3

Donkey 40th Anniversary

2021 is the year of anniversaries at Nintendo, and in this E3, there is an icon like this Donkey Can find location. Big My Monkey has been so overlooked recently that you can see its rebirth during the event, a new game or maybe a redesign of some of its best classics. Donkey Kong Country. An announcement, in any case, may catch the attention of DK fans, which has not received a new title in a long time. Rumors have been circulating in May that the next Dong Kong game will be made Developers Super Mario Odyssey, Which will lead to a way of playing, much like the most acclaimed title of the Mesopotamian plumber.

Donkey Kong rumor

Pokemon Legends: Arcius

The release date of the innovative Pokemon title has already been announced: players can put a foot in one Sinno It was completely different from how they remember it January 28, 2021. So far, in Pokemon Legends: Arcius Only a few pictures and the presentation trailer shown are known, while one has only recently emerged Soundtrack. E3 would be the perfect time to show the world of game clips, in which coaches can also explain how the world of monsters changes. There are opportunities associated with an increasingly controversial topic Nintendo Switch Pro, Because the images shown in the first trailer are not very fluid.

Nintendo E3

Pokemon shining diamond and shining pearl

‘S new trailer Pokemon shining diamond and shining pearl, A remake of the fourth generation of monsters, to be shown With improved graphics According, on an as yet undefined date Center Leagues. During the Nintendo conference, the titles may have taken a place, again according to rumors, they should have had better graphics compared to what was first seen. With the new content, it can also show that both games are not really remakes and redesigned versions of the welcome dynamics already seen in other generations, they may come back. Anyway, the Pokemon Shining Diamond and the Shining Pearl will be released November 19, They may already be preordinati, To update the adventures spent in Sino.

A remake of Pokemon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl

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Metro Prime4

Development of Metro Prime4 The team goes very slow, the team takes care of the game, Retro Studios, Constantly looking for members to train its staff. Some rumors suggest that Samus will also release a new episode Nintendo Switch Pro And, perhaps, the hardware and title can be delivered in a single event. However, the rumors indicate the release Android Prime 4 in 2021, Although not much has been heard about growth recently. Nintendo may have hidden many details about the new game, revealing them with multiple messages on E3.

Metro Prime4

Nintendo Switch Pro

A console that should have been Already provided, According to the leaks. New hardware, Nintendo Switch Pro, Has moved the web over the past few weeks, where it seems good to see his presentation every day. Many features made the stage release seem more than a rumor, but each date was immediately denied, with the big N making no introduction. If the console were really real, Nintendo might have thought it shouldn’t be delivered on a normal day, but really During E3 Become the more protagonist of the event.

Nintendo Switch Pro

June 12 is very close now and it is almost time to see what announcements are coming from all the gaming houses. Nintendo keeps a lot of secrets hidden, but what will be found during the official event? We have to wait E3 that we will be at the forefront this year!

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