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Waste from Lavello, municipality "unloads" ditches - Chronicle

Waste from Lavello, municipality “unloads” ditches – Chronicle

Dich Singh

Mass, 11 May 2021 – It really is A wave of waste One every day It is poured into the abyss of Lavello, Where all kinds of plastic, tires, equipment, wooden boxes and gas cylinders are unloaded. Try to face this event Management began documenting everything, With dozens of photos and videos of surveillance cameras, systematically surveyed by municipal technicians. Maybe after research and research The administration also found the culprit, But let’s go in order.

To identify the extension affected by this removal, the municipality has been monitoring for a long time “Breakdown” Established, or of some kind Control barriers They prevent large amounts of debris and waste from entering the sea.

“The problem of waste in the sink is of an environmental and sanitary nature and is concerned about the purity and quality of the water,” the mayor commented. Francesco Persiani Azmi was thanked at the end of the observation – for that Disposal of goods is no longer tolerated Creates landscapes within the abyss. So we decided to find out the look of these items, unfortunately what is happening is shown by the pictures. “

The first “cream” Located a few meters away from the mouth of Lavello in 2019 Merchants’ Camp. The ban was immediately very effective Retention of 450 kg of waste, Will be removed alternately every fifteen days by the administrations of Masa and Carrara. To specifically identify the area of ​​origin of the object That changed in February About seventy meters down the motor viaduct, Near the nomadic camp, Here it is right now The waste began to accumulate, Its size has changed more and more as the days go by.

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“Management wanted to take action Have technical data based on subsequent repressive actions – Says the Commissioner of Environment Paulo Baloni– and through research, strategic stabilization of barriers, reports and camera footage, we can demonstrate today the origin of sludge pollution and issues related to liability and bad odor. “

Gabriel Rottie