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Video. Dematerialized Vitale Card: Departments that will be activated soon are here

Health insurance invites policyholders to make the most of core insurance and go through the account
The deleted vital card will be extended to 10 new ports from October. (© Pixavril)

Your Vital Card allows you to justify your rights to health professionals and receive your refund. Currently in the plastic version of your wallet, it is now generalized in digital form.

Launched two years ago in the fields Ron and the Alps-MaritimesDemanded card status. This is part of a digital health roadmap launched in 2019 by former Health Minister Agnes Bush.

The listed objectives are to facilitate procedures, avoid updates and social fraud.

The test was extended to 10 departments

Released in the official journal on July 30, a new order offers its extension in 10 sectors from October 1: Saône-et-Loire, Seine-Maritime, Bas-Rhin, North, Gironde, Harault, Loire-Atlantique, Sarthe, Puy-de-Dôme and Paris. This device can be extended to all France in 2023 if it is guaranteed to be successful following various tests.

The “Health Insurance e-Card” provided free of charge to affiliated volunteers is in the form of an application on your smartphone. It is an alternative to the plastic vitreous card or is currently supported.

Keep in mind that individuals participating in the test can Withdraw their consent at any time.

Dematerialize your card

Those affected by the device can download the Carde Vital (ApCV) application from stores.

Once its download is complete, you will need to enter Take a video capture of your Social Security number, your ID card and a video selfie Detection of facial movement.

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Depending on the elements collected, data identification, hologram check or biometric checks will be checked for compatibility on your ID card. After analysis, it will be executed with security by the code of your choice.

Led SESAM-Vitale Economic Interest Group (Dematerialization of treatment sheets), the application integrates the remote identification verification service of Tessie and Electronic Identification companies.

In companies participating in the experiment

The application is currently valid “only for health professionals and health organizations participating in the experiment”. It could be your doctor, pharmacist or your eye doctor. When handing over your card to the relevant professionals, select the app’s “Flow” button and place your smartphone in the reader.

The primary purpose is access, refund of services and medical procedures. It provides access to many online services such as digital health space, shared medical file or online appointment booking.

The service holder can read on that “the holder may offer the use of the services attached to his application to a person of his choice for a maximum of 30 days”.

Processing of personal data

Data of insured persons such as photographs or registered identity documents are provided directly by the Health Insurance Fund. From its function, data Will be kept for a maximum of two years, They will eventually be destroyed.

If your device with a new card is stolen or lost, it is a good idea to report it to your cashier.

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