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conte m5s rousseau

Uses and unloads M5s, Conte Rousseau and Casalezio

“Honesty and Courage”, but penetrating skills and abilities. How would Giuseppe Conte’s new 5-star movement work, probably without Rousseau?

One Giuseppe Conte “This is not a restructuring move.” Former Prime Minister, In the Facebook link, Introduced himself as the leader of the M5s in the Assembly of the Elected, defining his mission as “a complex and attractive challenge”. “Reconsider the movement”, but “without denying the past”: this is the goal announced by Conte.


The former prime minister did not only look directly but subtly at the hot issue: the fight with the union Rousseau of Casaleggio Jr., Conte never mentions, he mentions both in closing Gianroberto That Pepe Grillo, Its founding principles and ideas will not be lost.

Even the Rousseau site has never been explicitly stated, and Conte restricts himself to the need for a “clear internal structure”, a “new organizational structure” with “national and international initiatives”.

“We must avoid coming back within the boundaries of the traditional party form – he explains Conte – because it has been showing signs of various crises and inadequacies for some time ”. “We have very strict rules – says the former prime minister – to resist more firmly than in the past, the internal currents of the various federations”.

In this passage, at the end of his speech, note Rousseau: “The choice of digital democracy allows us to have a direct confrontation, a direct space for conflict without the mediation of internal currents, which inevitably completes the crystallizing spheres of influence and power levels”.

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“Dear friends, dear friends” – here is the climax of the anti-Rousseau message – “We do not even need various associations, our political and cultural commitment lives within the new movement”.

“Direct democracy must be encouraged, pursued, and implemented,” he says Conte, Announces that there will be a “digital platform”, but that it will be “representative democracy” because “technology is not neutral”. Looks like another digging up here Casalezio Jr.: “Whoever manages the processes, the data and their treatment should have maximum transparency”.

Also read: Conte’s new political career

Neo movement of numbers

Conte announces that there will be a new department dealing with foreign political forces surrounded by a permanent training center, in which “we will all enjoy interacting with first-rate science advisers.”

There will also be a new organizational structure in the region through “regional references” because digital democracy must be physical in the region, Conte says. “There will be squares, civic action forums promoting community integration, but we will not ask for membership cards,” he adds.

Conde also announces a change in the linguistic record. We need a “new language” because “attack on the building” is no longer good. It was nice, “but now we’re at another stage,” Conte explains. We need a more sober style, so: “Do not be blinded by controversy, now we must not underestimate the power of words”.


In the new identity of the movement, Conte declares a “charter of rights, policies and values” with “specific characteristics”. A “review of 5 stars”, “although none of the 5 stars are denied”, the lawyer promises, but he says these stars “should be expanded”.

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Interesting topics in the new movement will be workers’ rights, because “we need a new law, stuck in the 1970s,” Conte recalled. But we will also deal with the “Charter of Entrepreneurs,” which protects their rights, but also the Charter of Disabilities, the Charter of Digital Rights and the Consumer.

The identity of the new movement will be inspired by “respect for the individual”, but also by integrated ecology, social justice, democratic and representative policy, and digital democracy, which will “be a cornerstone of my movement.” However, it is necessary to reiterate that “respect for legitimacy and commitment in the fight against mafias and corruption”. Conde lives for a few minutes on the concept of “public ethics”.

A new motivating movement: 1 Vail1, honesty and skill

However, the new M5s will be “uncompromising”: “We did not negotiate our policies – Conte says – especially in terms of the rule of” 1 is 1 “, that is, the” foundation of democracy “.” When appointing representatives, honest people are needed ” – Historical concept of the movement, but “specific skills, talented people.” This seems like another important message.

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