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There is a planet 28 million light years away from our galaxy

There is a planet 28 million light years away from our galaxy

L’osopianeta – The size of Saturn, also known as the “Spiral” is located in the Messier 51 galaxy. Exoplanet is an extrasolar planet that does not belong to the Solar System, but orbits a star other than our own. So far, nearly 5,000 planets have been found orbiting stars beyond our Sun, but they are all located within the Milky Way. What has now been discovered is far from what has been observed so far.

Authors of the invention Massachusetts (USA) is part of a team of researchers coordinated by Rosanne Di Stefano of the Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) Center in Cambridge, Cambridge.

Mode of transport – The discovery was made using an innovative method of studying X-rays observed by NASA’s Lunar Space Telescope. “E ‘ The only currently operational method for detecting planetary systems in other galaxiesRoseanne de Stefano told the BBC News, “It’s very suitable for detecting planets around X – ray tracks, from which we can measure the curvature of light. This observation is, in fact, based on what the NASA website explains Mode of transport: When a planet moves in front of a star it blocks out a portion of its light, thus reducing the brightness that telescopes like Chandra can pick up.

But it is not so easy – The study is not complete now, we need checks, so we need more scientific data, but it will take time to get them. “Unfortunately, confirmation can take decades – explained Nia Imara, a researcher at the University of California at Santa Cruz – and also, due to uncertainty about orbit, We do not know when to look“. According to estimates, in fact, the orbit is very large, the planet under observation may pass in about 70 years, so the search has been suspended for a long time.

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The hunt for exoplanets began about 25 years ago and is making great strides. The invention of the M51-1, also known as the Exoplanet, may be the zero point. “We are trying to open a new area to discover other worlds“Roseanne Di Stefano has always been included. One more step, now opening the door to new unexplored “lands”: those outside our galaxy.