In December, leaked under the name Riddler Khu, Pokémon Legends Arceus will be the longest Pokemon game of all time, with many parts of it explored even if not in the open world. With such ambition, we can expect the title to be much heavier than imagined on the Nintendo Switch. Fortunately, this is not the case, and Arcius Legends should be the same weight as most hybrid console games.
How big is Legends Arcius?
This is about the digital version of the game that will be available on Nintendo eShop starting January 28th. To download it, you will need:
Please note, these weight games do not have the regular one day updates that are often desired. Note that the official French Nintendo platform weighs in at 13GB Japanese site, He clearly mentions 7GB.
As a reminder, the Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl weigh about 6 GB, while the Pokémon Sword and Shield weigh 12 GB. So the size of 7 to 13 GB for the Arceus seems logical, with possible updates and deployment of online features. Of publication.
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