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The trick is to send a WhatsApp message that only lasts for a week

The trick is to send a WhatsApp message that only lasts for a week

The fact that every word we write in a chat, every conversation, every outburst or joke (or so good) lasts forever gives us some sort of anxiety. It has been believed for years that WhatsApp will be moving in this direction so users can choose how long the messages he sends should last.

Now, it is a fact that there are technically so-called “medieval messages” and if you have never used them yet, they are very useful because it is time to learn them.

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WhatsApp has decided that the temporary news of its site will last for 1 week. Long enough for anyone to read without haste, and enough to leave the group within 7 days

To use this functionality, go to the chat settings where you want to use this type of message, click on the reference contact photo above, and select the “Intermediate Messages” option. At that point, all you have to do is check the “enabled” mode, during which time everything you write in the chat will last only a week.

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