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The GTA Remaster trilogy exists and will also be released for the Nintendo Switch • JPGAMES.DE

The GTA Remaster trilogy exists and will also be released for the Nintendo Switch • JPGAMES.DE

A remake of the GTA games has been announced for a long time, and you can almost trust that they already exist. Over the past few days rumors of a new version of a trilogy have been circulating again on social media and forums.

Jump with it now கோடகு A major media outlet that wants to verify these rumors with its own sources. The GDA Remaster Trilogy Be really. Kodaku confirmed this from three different sources.

Accordingly, all three games of the Grand Theft Auto series will appear on multiple platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. According to Kodaku, the redesigns are already in the housing development. So it is with Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Games are processed by a “mix of old and new graphics” Unreal Engine. In terms of the game, you want to be true to the PS2 era, so many adjustments are not expected here, it seems. The user interface should be slightly modified, but should provide “old, classic style”.

According to Kodaku, remasters will appear for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch, PCs, Stadia and mobile devices. However, PCs and mobile devices should be abandoned, focusing on Rockstar consoles.

Kotaku’s sources confirm that the restorators were made in Rockstar Dundee. This is part of an earlier rumor. Accordingly, Rockstar will not only support Dundee with the Remasters, but will also support the next-gen version of the GTA V. Time will tell…

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Built Material: GTA Vice City, Rockstar Games