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The bonus character in Smash Brothers Fighter Boss may be ~ Pokemon Millennium

The bonus character in Smash Brothers Fighter Boss may be ~ Pokemon Millennium

Good news for all fighting game fans in the Nintendo world. The last few hours have, in fact, been a forum user Reddit: Reubert, Suggested the possibility of a second set of content that could be downloaded Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, The Fighter Boss Module. 2, In addition to the 6 already announced, can present a seventh character that has not yet been announced.

Fighter Boss

In his description of Reubert Mail, Each Nintendo title, DLC or product has a unique identifier (called NSUID) On the official Nintendo website. In the first DLC characters from the first Fighter Pass, the codes are sorted chronologically from 70050000008501 to 70050000008506. Rex May Bonus Wear The first battle pass is issued to buyers, ending in “8507”.

Things are even more interesting with the Fighter Pass Volume 2 identification code: Like the previous DLC pack, the fighters are listed chronologically. My My For example it corresponds to code 70050000018967, Byra e Mitra to 70050000018970; Symbols ending in “18971” and “18972” are instead assigned to two as yet undeclared characters. Finally, there is one Bonus Ancient helmet With the code “18974”, it ends with the identification code “18973”, indicating that there is another element that has not yet been revealed.

Therefore, it seems that Nintendo still needs to reveal something after the sixth war DLC. The enthusiastic thoughts of the fans immediately go to the possible seventh fighter, which may be true, but It could also be another bonus attire Or associate it with something completely different.

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