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Technology - Samsung TikTok & Co.  - Creates a projector for knowledge

Technology – Samsung TikTok & Co. – Creates a projector for knowledge

LAS VEGAS (dpa / tmn) – With Freestyle, Samsung has announced a simple FHD projector that will question the forehead of anyone over the age of 30. Freestyle is a mobile LED projector, loudspeaker, smart TV and light effects device.

Connected to a smartphone, this 830g device can be used to set all kinds of content from photos to social media posts, movies or light effects to music played on walls, ceilings, floors or other surfaces. Auto focus and image adjustment should always ensure proper settings for project sizes up to 100 inches.

The stand with 180 degree swivel range and operation via power bank makes the device very mobile. Network functionality is also possible. You will also get the current Smart TV operating system offered by Samsung in Freestyle.

There are more short videos than streaming movies

Freestyle did not reach record values ​​for brightness or volume. Instead, Samsung says the device should be “adapted to the changing lifestyle of its users” and “used where needed.” In other words: Stream dictatorial videos from your smartphone rather than movie enthusiasts on a movie night. And more fun and effects than the slide show in the living room.

The projector will be available in Germany from mid-February. Cost: 999 euros.

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