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Cette image est l’une des premières renvoyées sur Terre par la mission Juno après son survol rapproché de Ganymède, le 7 juin 2021. © Nasa, JPL-Caltech, SwRI, MSSS

Take a look at the first images of Jupiter’s largest moon, Canyme, taken by Juno

It was launched in 2011. It has been around Jupiter since 2016. This Monday, June 7, 2021, the Juno mission moved very close to Canyme, the largest moon in our solar system. NASA today released the first images of this close flight.

That’s where it ended. This Monday, June 7, 2021, work Juno Went above 1,038 kilometers Conmeat. For more than twenty years Flyover Closer to the study Galileo. At 66,800km / h, she had only 25 minutes to clear that moment. Juno has already sent two images back to Earth நிலா From Thursday Significant details will appear in it. Clearly different grooves, dark landscape and glowing landscape and connecting structures Tectonic faults.

“We will take our time to make scientific decisions. In the meantime, we are amazed to see this heavenly scene.”, Scott Bolton, Principal Investigator of the Juno Mission, a NASA News Release. More pictures are expected in the coming days. Also, they should give information about the composition of his cannibal Ionosphere, To Magnetic field And the layer of ice that covers it.

More pictures of Ganymede are to come

Using its green filter, the Junocom Visible Light Imager covers almost the entire side of the Moon Water ice With one Resolution One kilometer per For the clip. Then, when versions of the same image become available, imaging professionals can combine the red and blue filters of the camera to provide an image Color Issued by Canmeet.

In addition, Juno’s navigation camera is capable of maintaining the spacecraft’s title and low operating range. Brightness, Using the best conditions to provide a black and white image of the dark side of the canyon – the opposite side சோலைல் – Spread as he bathed in the faint light Thursday. Image resolution is 600 to 900 meters per pixel.

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NASA space exploration to fly over the Solar System’s largest moon tonight

20 years ago, the Galileo study approached the mineral as before. Today, the adventure has resumed. Juno’s mission is to fly over Jupiter’s largest moon, 1,038 kilometers above sea level. The Astronomers Are interested in obtaining data.

Article Natalie Mayor Posted on 06/07/2021

In May 2000, The NASA Galileo study Provided us with images so far obtained from Canmead. This Monday at 7:35 pm KST, Juno Mission will make another close journey to Jupiter’s largest moon. It will fly at an altitude of only 1,038 km. And astronomers expect a lot from it. Because of the sensitivity instruments fitted in the Juno study, the cannibal can be seen as before.

This is the first Top tile Water ice Conmeat It will be noticed. The Radiometer The microwave oven (MWR) on the Juno board will show you how the composition and texture of this ice varies with depth. To better understand the light and dark patterns already mentioned on the surface by astronomers. While waiting for an in-depth study of Thursday IC Moons Explorer (Juice, ESA) It will come Around the circular path Around Canmeet in 2032.

Upcoming valuable data

Juno will also record data in a thin ionosphere The big moon Of Jupiter. With minor changes in Frequency In signals Radio It would have crossed this outer layerAtmosphere Canmeid when the probe goes behind the moon. Objective: To understand the relationship between the ionosphere of canmede, its Magnetic field Jupiter’s intrinsic and magnetic field.

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Juno will also collect information about the environment in which the study will operate at that time. It measures high energy particles to install Diagnostic of Radiation levels.

Junicom will provide some breathtaking images of the condom. A feast Eyes, But it will also help astronomers identify possible changes in the lunar surface from images returned by Voyager and Galileo.

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