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Support systems for high-level metropolitan athletes

Support systems for high-level metropolitan athletes

Submit your application to benefit from Advanced Athlete Support Organizations from December 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022 City.

What is it about?

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole sets up as part of its high-level sports policy Two personal financial assistance programs for top athletes From Metropolitan Sports Clubs:

  • “Game Performance Improvement” device
  • “Ambassador & Sports Ambassador” device

“Game Performance Improvement” device

Athletes contribute to the dynamics and influence of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole in national competitions and major international competitions. They are the pride of young coaches in the city and metropolitan areas and participate in the sporting excitement of sports equipment and clubs.

In order to improve access to training and higher levels, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole seeks to promote the sporting performance of champions today and tomorrow by setting up dedicated financial aid. This flat rate assistance will be allocated for one year For amateur athletes who play at the highest level of their discipline in the Metropolitan Club.

Summary of Scholarships:

List of Ministers Scholarships
High level elite 1 000
High senior level 1 000
High level 1 500
National Collections 1 500
Hope 1 500
Excluding lists of ministers* Scholarships
Title France, Europe, World 1 500

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be licensed at a Metropolitan Club for at least one full season in an individual or team sport
  • Must be registered with the Ministry of Hope, National Collective and Higher (Elite, Senior, Successor categories).
  • Be a valid amateur athlete or athlete or disabled athlete; A professional athlete will be excluded, except for the position of the trainee in the process of specialization
  • * Except for athletes not registered in the list of Ministers under the following overall conditions:
    > Develop into an unrecognized top discipline affiliated with the accredited French Unisport Federation and sports associations with disabilities.
    > Must have won the French, European or World Championship title during the last championship to date.
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Instruction and Assistance Allocation Methods:

  • The annual financial aid file is available to applicants on the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole website. The online application should include the following supporting documents depending on your status:

> Athlete’s Identity Document,
> Guardian ID for a minor athlete,
> Registration certificate in the list of Ministers issued by the Ministry of Sports Responsibility,
> France, European Championship title (s), World of the last championship to date,
> Employment agreement in the process of industrialization,
> Sports license refers to the club and the current sports season,
> Bank ID of an athlete or his guardian for a minor,
> Annual budget dedicated to the season (downloadable),
> Sports Achievements & Goals (Downloadable Model),
> Press Review,
> Request motivation (free mail).

  • Before the vote of the Montpellier Mediterranean Metropolis Consultative Meeting, a panel of representatives and top sports experts from Montpellier Mediterranean will select athletes and women athletes.
  • The council will vote on allocating grants directly to the athlete or his or her representative if he or she is young.
  • Scholarships awarded may be allocated after an annual review of applications The maximum limit is 6 years.

Documents to download for your application:

How to apply

Submit your application from December 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022:

Sports performance development

“Ambassador & Sports Ambassador” device

“Ambassador & Ambassador” organization for metropolitan sports For a period of two years, it is possible to make financial contributions to the sports program of two athletes, Working in a local club and involving all coaches in the metropolis (general public, school children, club licensees, young athletes, experienced athletes) in the policy of attracting and promoting the sport.

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The application is made in the call form for projects. Therefore, the candidate should express his motivation to cooperate with the metropolis and explain the nature of the actions he intends to develop to enhance this partnership.

What is the role of an ambassador, the role of an ambassador in a metropolitan game?

  • Wear Montpellier Métropole colors during competitions (jerseys, tracksuits, etc.) and associate its image with sporting events that Métropole will partner with.
  • Mention partnerships in media and social networks.
  • Continue to report sports news from athletes to the Montpellier metropolis and send broadcast media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc.).
  • Carry out activities / activities in the field for all trainers in the region (in response to call for projects).

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be licensed at a Metropolitan Club for the duration of the engagement
  • Practice individual or collective discipline affiliated with the accredited French Unisport Federation and sports associations with disabilities
  • Notable Sports Achievement Record (France, Europe, World Champion)
  • Demonstrate exemplary behavior in line with the image of the metropolis in terms of representation of sports values ​​(ethics, fair play, respect for anti-doping rules).

Instruction and Assistance Allocation Methods:

  • The annual financial aid file is available to applicants on the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole website. An online application to respond to a call for projects must be accompanied by the following documents, depending on the athlete’s status:

> Athlete’s Identity Document,
> Guardian ID for a minor athlete,
> Registration certificate in the list of Ministers issued by the Ministry of Sports Responsibility,
> Awards and / or France, Europe, World Champion title,
> Sports license refers to the club and the current sports season,
> Bank ID of an athlete or his guardian for a minor,
> Annual budget for the season (sample for download),
> Description “Business-Plan, Motivation” (Download Template),
> Press Review

  • Before the vote of the Montpellier Mediterranean Metropolis Consultative Meeting, a panel of representatives and top sports experts from Montpellier Mediterranean will select athletes and women athletes.
  • The council will vote on allocating grants directly to the athlete or his or her representative if he or she is young.
  • Partnership of Metropolitan Ambassador and Sports Ambassador May not exceed two years. Both devices cannot be connected.
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Documents to download for your application:

How to apply

Off 1There is December 2021 to 1There is Tuesday 2022, Submit your application:

Sports Ambassador and Ambassador