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Starfield, Forza Horizon 5, Hollow Infinite E3 2021 Well-known interior - Nerd 4. Life

Starfield, Forza Horizon 5, Hollow Infinite E3 2021 Well-known interior – Nerd 4. Life

Starfield, Forza Horizon 5, Hollow 4 Infinite Age Age Empires They can all be Microsoft Conference All ‘E3 2021, Based on what he reported to the Restoration Forum, according to the well-known internal globular.

Clearly this is not official information or verification, but Glass Microsoft has shown in the past that it has some relevance to the Xbox environment, so we can consider its pending speculation for any news.

“Add Age 4 of Empires, I firmly believe this is theirs Titles Great talent to show off this summer, which doesn’t mean they can Whether or not everything goes out in 2021“Someone on the pages of the forum in question mentioned the opportunity to see Starfield, Forza Horizon 5 and Hollow Infinite during the Microsoft presentation. Xbox Series X | S. And for P3 E3 2021.

Starfield remains a big mystery, but many are betting on its existence at E3 2021
Starfield remains a big mystery, but many are betting on its existence at E3 2021

In the same speech, journalist Jeff Group also seems to have confirmed that Globril Forza Horizon 5 will not be set in Japan and, contrary to what many people think about the fifth episode of the series.

For the rest, the existence of Hollow Infinite and Age of Empires 4 seems certain in E3 2021, considering how both games should be under development, with the first game expected to be released by the end of 2021. Suspicious about Starfield: Now there are many rumors about his next presentation Can start this year, But in fact Bethesda has been very quiet in the game in question, however, beyond the small traces, can not be considered evidence.

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Note that E3 2021 will take place 2021 June 12 to 15, There will be no PlayStation when there is Xbox, Nintendo and Tag Two, it will be a digital only and free event.