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Sony PlayStation Presents Jade Raymond's New Indie Team Haven - Nert 4. Life

Sony PlayStation Presents Jade Raymond’s New Indie Team Haven – Nert 4. Life

Sony The opening was announced Haven, A new one Independent team Established Jade Raymond Making games for PS4 and PS5 in Montreal, apparently for the first planned projects.

It seems to be a kind of team Second party, Assumes that it is officially an independent entity Economically supported At least from Sony, it will focus on the development of games for the PS4 and PS5 in a major way, at least from the beginning of its operation.

So this is not a real internal first party, but Haven will still be a team very close to Sony, to the extent that its first project is an immediate one New intellectual property For PlayStation platforms, that is, indirectly PS4E PS5, Or the latter, more details are pending.

“Sony Interactive Entertainment is proud to support and invest in Haven and its future,” said Hermann Hulst, Head of PlayStation Studios. “As Jade did, we understand the challenges and benefits of creating creative teams. Thanks to his extensive experience in creating many great game series. We are optimistic and excited about Haven Studios and his bright future. The first project, is currently in development.”

“I couldn’t help but feel excited about this opportunity to go back to my roots and work with a talented team to create a new IP,” said Jade Raymond, CEO and Founder of Haven Studios. “Launching an independent studio with the support of Sony Interactive Entertainment gives us tremendous freedom to push the boundaries with the support of a publisher who knows the creative process of creating games, and is known for its consistent pursuit of quality and player-centric approach.”

After the tragic end of his adventure at Google Stadia, which ended with the abrupt closure of the Mountain View company insider, Jade Raymond marries Sonny and starts a new project, while still in the area Montreal. Keep in mind that this is the producer he helped create Killer belief During his time at Ubisoft.

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“I’ve been making games for a long time, and now it’s been over 25 years! I had the opportunity to create two successful original IPs and create various new teams and studios. Some of these adventures were more successful than others I thought”, which is new on Raymond’s official PlayStation blog Announcing the launch of the Haven team, he said, “Whether it’s playing Settlers of Cadon with my kids or Walheim with my team, games continue to make me happy. They ‘are a way to relax, connect, and share experiences with the people I love. Bringing together experts from different creative fields, composers, concept artists, programmers (yes, even programmers are creative people!) In a company can open up new worlds for players. Operate in perfect harmony with the rai. I can not imagine it being more fruitful or fulfilling than this. “

Taking on the role of my career over the past few years and wondering what the next phase will be, I came to a very simple conclusion: I have to come back to do what I love most and do what I can for our team. Freedom to explore., To promote and create.

So today I announce Haven, the indie studio, the many talented game developers I have worked with over the years (and I love!) Come together to do what we are most interested in. The time has come to focus on games where we can practice our artistic skills without obstacles or hindrances. We want players to create worlds where they can escape, have fun, express themselves and see a community as a part. We want to put our interest in a project. We want to create something exciting for people because we believe in the ability of games to bring joy into their lives. Sony shares this opinion. Their commitment to the best products is incomparable and for this reason I could not be happier with the support and support they provide us.

Together, we want to create games like a happy oasis for gamers and a studio that is identical to developers. Although we do not have a lot of details to announce today, I would like to let the PlayStation community know that Haven Studios is working hard on an already unannounced IP. We can’t wait to reveal more details!

Sony welcomes Jade Raymond's new independent team Haven
Sony welcomes Jade Raymond’s new independent team Haven