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Shirokan's Akali Gosplay from K / DA is perfect - Nert 4.Life

Shirokan’s Akali Gosplay from K / DA is perfect – Nert 4.Life

The Cosplay in Akali, A player League of Legends, Made Shiroken That is absolutely perfect. This model is very popular for her technical prowess, which allows her to change her look as needed. In this case he has created a really significant gap, this time in its K / DA version.

In fact, some of the league’s most famous players have not only fought hard in this glorious mob, but have also been selected as part of a virtual band Q / Yes. This band was used by rioters during its major sports events to mix the game universe with the popular K-pop.

In this case Shiroken chose to play Akali, theLonely killer. According to the official explanation, a character who vows to protect Ionia from his enemies … by eliminating them at a time. Akali attacks us with silence, but her message is loud and clear: Asami Fear without an Assamese.

Shiroken has truly recreated the K / DA costume of this character, but they are Hair A true masterpiece. Creating a scaffolding that can keep locks so large and extend them should never be easy.

However, we have already praised his ability in this Asuka Gospel of the Neon Genesis Evangelist. Here, however, another member of the K / DA can be found at Evelyn Gospel in Niko.

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