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Serie A Live News 31 December 2020 |  The last hour

Serie A Live News 31 December 2020 | The last hour

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Live Series News: Focus on the day and last hour to update on the news and results of the Italian Championship

Thursday, December 31st 2020: Series is a message

Is Ibrahimovic recovering for Zhou? Conditions in Sweden

Ore 14.30 – Tudosport Reveals recovery times: He is unlikely to feature against Benevento and Juventus on January 6. So, there is no ex-race for Sweden.

FIGC Attorney: Nap Inquiries into Napoli Violation? We usually negotiate. “

Ore 13.00Marco de Lello, Deputy Attorney FIGC, I talked to him Radio Punto Nuvo Of Judgment on Juve-Napoli.

General In general, the timing of sports justice is always very fast. There have already been a number of actions taken for violating the protocols, which in most cases led to settlements. So these are the forerunners.

Pioli hides: “Jude liked Scudetto, how could they not be?”

12.00 – Stefano Pioli, Milan coach, Scudetto spoke this way about the fight, noting that Zoe is a favorite. Here are his words to La Stampa.

Pergosy annoyed by Gomez’s lawsuit: “I’m only talking about his future.”

Ore 11.30 – Percussion, President of Atlanta, Pappu Gomez and Casparini talked about the future a The environment of Bergamo. His statements are here.

Pappu Gomes “No, we’ve already talked about it. The material is closed to me. Point. Casperini for life. He is not alone. The whole system too. This system, thanks to the excellent work of my son Luca, gives us incredible results.

Juve-Napoli, Malaga: ைய Appeal? Connie did not decide. “

Ore 11.00Gu Guarantee College does not belong to Connie, but is in Connie. Raising political doubts is tantamount to claiming that the President is behind the sentence handed down by the Milan Attorney’s Office against Mario or Antonio. They made this decision, it may or may not be shared, but it has nothing to do with Connie. ” His words to Il Giornale.

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Pandey begins challenge to Zhou: “We want to reach the end of the Italian Cup”

Ore 10.00 – Striker Genoa, Koran Pandey, spoke XIX century In the next Coppa Italia match against Zoo. His statements.

No goals in the Italian Cup and DerbyI hope to do this in the next derby. For the known cup, we can try to go to the end, if we pass with Juve. But now let’s think about salvation, that is the most important goal.

Pesina wins on Juvin’s shot: “He’s my favorite midfielder”

Ore 09.00 – Interview The Gazette Dello game, Atlanta Midfielder Matteo Pesina Also spoke Manuel Locatelly, Sauvolo Talent Continues Juve. His words are here.

ுவ Manuel is my favorite midfielder. It would be nice to think that in a few years Pesina-Locadelli-Barella will be the heart of Italy’s midfield: let’s drop him in the middle, Nicole and I will come with him.

Read more: Latest News Series A: All News of the Day – Video