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Scholes elected presidential candidate: Revolution canceled - Politics

Scholes elected presidential candidate: Revolution canceled – Politics

There is a draft policy for which they should be excited – the same is true with SPD today. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Someone comes to the party conference and pulls the guys out of the chairs with his speech, oh, even more so, with his ideas. It’s revolutionary – yet it only reminds me of Oscar Lafontaine, and it works for nothing. The fallen angel of the SPD, their Lucifer, aided the presidency of Heckhard Schrder. It still has an effect today; Today, because Olaf Scholes is the candidate for president. Someone who can be enthusiastic about himself and pragmatism.

Yes, presidential candidate Scholes, despite the continuing weakness of the Social Democrats, how unjust it is. Injustice because of what Boris Welder says in the debate at the party conference, The Social Democrat from Berlin-Mitt: Anyone who reads the passages in the election program on social issues and the services of the general public as a whole, especially in comparison with other parties, is not mistaken. He finds that SPD has its function. To.

Not only as the working group of the nation, but also as the protector of the workers: inside. Guys are strong when it comes to detail, and for them, paying attention to details is the order of the day. The truth is as certain as progress.

It is not excitement, stimulation, electrification. This is the dynamics. The best candidate fits this. What he needs to show is the ability to operate management levers. Scholes wants to talk about it; This goes far beyond the number of apartments he built as mayor in Hamburg and left to his heirs.

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Yes, why not? But here’s the problem, still: SPD is following him because it has to follow him. He is firm in his political style. Everyone knows, sees. It emerges if you look at the party leadership.

Social Democrats in Conflict

Election results at party conventions in recent years speak for themselves: Scholes is a half man. That is: just as some consider him to be qualified to be president, others reject him. Social Democrats in Conflict – and Scholes should be the bridge. To do this, he must now urgently build it.

Candidate of hearts? Despite an excellent election result, the party has struggled with practical shawls.Photo: Wolfgang Kum / DPA

This is the calculation of a party leadership, which is completely different from the super pragmatists: he is not like us, he does not like what we want, we do not like him – but the Germans do not like us, that is why we have this candidate that most of them want. from this By the grace of the left the lead duo Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borgense are paradoxically super practical in their own way.

But will it be enough for the voters? Doubts are allowed, and they are already widespread among social democrats. At 40 percent, 20 percent away, there is a risk of single-mindedness in some federal states – not just excitement, but a lack everywhere.

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Revolution fails with Scholes. He can act a little more on the left, and “Escobo” wants to be just like him; In the candidate’s speech he can address all the currents of the Social Democrats – it is very important that the party believes that he agrees. Because she has to fight, she has to fight. After all, it’s more than the majority: it’s about survival.