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Register your position on solidarity on June 1st

Register your position on solidarity on June 1st

On Wednesday, June 1, as part of J Angers Connectée Jeunesse’s Tout Angers s’engage Week, Unity is organizing a vacant apartment in Place Impact from 2pm to 9pm. In this case, about thirty pitches are available free of charge for young angevins aged 15 to 25 years.

Each participant can only book one space (approximately 5 m deep and 2.30 m wide, corresponding to the parking space). Registered youth should hold the position (but this can be conducted by many young people). Each young person can set up their own position with their own equipment (desks, chairs, parachute, etc.).

Priority will be given to youth who may be from 2pm to 9pm. Depending on the records, arrangements for a part of the day may be considered (contact J directly, see below).

Installation will take place on a priority basis from 12:30 pm to 2 pm and no vehicles will be allowed on site.
To download below, complete the registration form and the Rules of Procedure with parental approval for minors, as well as the affidavit stating that you did not participate in two other events of the same year and return it to J, Angers. Connected youth, 12th place Imbach. Young people must also provide a valid identification card.

Information and info: direct.jeunesse (at) or 02 41 05 48 00.

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