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Orange Belgium SA: Announcement to shareholders about the May 5, 2021 public meeting download

Orange Belgium SA: Announcement to shareholders about the May 5, 2021 public meeting download

Notice to Stakeholders regarding the May 5, 2021 General Meeting

Dear Partners,

Orange Belgium 2021 May 5 You have the opportunity to participate in the General Assembly. However, in the current exceptional circumstances caused by Govt infection, additional precautionary measures should be taken.

Therefore, partners are asked not to come forward if they have any doubts about their health, especially if they have symptoms that indicate contamination with COVID-19 or any other infectious disease. The health of our partners and our employees is paramount.

Stakeholders are invited to introduce themselves shortly before the meeting begins. The doors will close as soon as the meeting opens. Practical activities based on capacity will be taken into account and a specific space will be allocated to existing partners.

As soon as the meeting is over the shareholders have to leave the building along the path indicated to them. No reception will be arranged, no informal exchange or even allowed on campus.

The identity of the shareholders will be verified upon entry. So they are invited to bring an identification document. Only duly registered partners have the right to enter and no other person has the status of a partner.

Stakeholders must follow the health protocol placed within the company and the orders issued on site to ensure safety and order within the buildings.

The company recalls that postal voting is highly recommended, considering the health environment. This recommendation and all information related to this matter are included in the notice to attend the meeting which is accessible on the Company’s website. The postal voting form can also be found there.

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Orange Belgium S.A. Posted this content 26 April 2021 And is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Provided by General, Unread and unaltered, in 26 April 2021 16:56:02 UTC.