The Nintendo Switch will be given the M Up Razion EX shoot in May. The announcement comes abruptly, the release is coming soon and it’s game trailer.
Racian X comes to the Nijento switch. (Source: Screenshot NGTV)
German development studio NGDEV brings the Neo Geo-Shooter racer to the Nintendo Switch. This is the optimal version called “Russian X”.
In Racion you shoot horizontally through six levels with your spaceship, each time you have intense battles with gigantic bosses. Filming for ‘M Up’, which first appeared for Neo Geo in 2014, runs at 60 frames per second on the switch. You can watch the game here in the trailer:
The new X version offers a revised gameplay including new mechanics, reduced difficulty, improved graphics with 32-bit effects, widescreen support, scanline filters, slightly modified positions and training mode.
The physics release is directly from the developer in May 2021, but there is no release date yet. You can order Razion EX here soon.
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