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More than 3 billion emails and passwords were stolen and uploaded.  Are you affected?

More than 3 billion emails and passwords were stolen and uploaded. Are you affected?

One of the world’s largest password and email databases has been stolen. Uploaded by Cybercriminal, which has nearly 3.2 billion logins. A site has set up a search tool to check if someone is worried about this leak.

A historical robber! One of the largest databases in the world has been stolen and placed online, we learned on Friday 12th February.

Nearly 3.2 billion logins and passwords associated with Gmail, Hotmail, Netflix or LinkedIn accounts were released last week. The stolen identifiers were shared in various forums dedicated to hacking, according to an article on the site P.G.R..

This leak, known as “comp” (a set of multiple violations), is not new. In fact, as the name implies, a collection of multiple leaks. Hackers were involved in retrieving personal data from these various leaks and collecting them in a single file. In total, the hackers had nearly 15.2 billion hacked accounts and 2.5 billion emails in their hands Cybernews.

A tool to check if you have been hacked

The CyberNews site has set up a A tool that allows Internet users to verify that they are affected by this leak. To find out you need to type in your email address in the search bar provided on their site. The site will tell you what to do if your information is ever disclosed.

However, to reduce the risk of hacking, it is recommended that you change your passwords and choose strong and unique combinations for each site.

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