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Make shells: new Mario card coming soon to switch |  Rumor

Make shells: new Mario card coming soon to switch | Rumor

Start your engines and hit the hype pedal: With l’E3 2021 At the gates, e Nintendo has confirmed its participation, Promises to be super hot next month. The big announcements, as far as we know, are ahead of a path of rumors. That su Switch Pro They won’t stop coming, but today Spotlight is playing a game: Mario Kart.

Nintendo Switch Pro is not there yet

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That’s right, list Issued by Nintendo Switch There are already two titles related to Saga: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, or a port with some additions to the original version for the Wii U, then The latest live home circuit The one who uses the developed reality to bring banana tiles and skins straight into our living room.

The situation is paradoxical, however, as the switch does not actually receive its own “canonical” chapter of Mario Kart: the MK8 Deluxe is halfway between porting and redesigning, while the live home circuit is a program that moves away from the main course, and rather than a game Almost a toy.

So fans have never stopped believing that the new chapter for Switch is in development, apparently their hopes will soon be fulfilled. Chippo, an in-house expert on Nintendo-related issues, has gone really unbalanced Precisely on this issue, Reveals it “The Jacobi team has been working hard on a new Mario Kart and has been doing it for three years. “.

Zippo also confirmed that the plan was not causal A Mario Kart Tour, Mobile Mobile, Or Super Nintendo World Theme Park Gravity. Obviously not, it’s not so: we’re really talking about a new Mario Kard coming to the Nintendo hybrid. Chipo says it has not received any specific indications regarding the nature of the game, and also speculates that this may be a full body extension of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. After all, this is the best-selling title of all in Switzerland, with over 33 million units placed in 4 years: so a DLC can instantly address this large installed site directly, so it makes sense.

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In the short term, however, we need to know more: the latest information provided by Chipo Release date, which is expected to decrease from late 2021 to early 2022 – A time when high-capacity releases for Nintendo were really rife Remakes of Diamond and Berla, Intriguing Pokemon Legends: Arcius Especially the sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath, The Wild.

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