Ludwig is one of many pillars in the Super Smash Brothers melee scene, they were shocked and shocked by Nintendo’s decision to close The Big House, and he has decided to hold a charity match against them.
Ludwig Ahren is a popular streamer. However, he started out as a rival Super Smash Brothers melee player and still found success as a commentator.
Naturally, that means he is knee deep in the community and thus one of the many fans and players who are angry Nintendo’s decision to close The Big House With a stop and exemption order.
Nintendo was within their rights to demand the termination and withdrawal of the use of the third-party tool Slippery. It is used to streamline the competitive experience by integrating a built-in matchmaking feature in addition to other changes and improvements.
However, many said it was a tone-deaf decision that represented the whole event. The community has since expressed their dissatisfaction on social media. Now, Ludwig is about to go one step further.
Ludwig has done everything from competing and commenting to entertainment and streaming.
Ludwig has decided to hold a charity race against Nintendo. He uses the money out of his pocket to fund donations in his stream.
“All donations for next month will go to the prize pool for the LACS 3: Foundation Edition,” he said.
“I’m mortgaging $ 10,000 for this event. We’ll make it one of the biggest tournaments of all time. If you can not donate, spread it out.”
All donations for next month will go towards the expensive pool
Disadvantages 3: Foundation Edition
I $ 10,000 Towards the Event
Let’s make one of the biggest tours of all time
If you are unable to donate, spread the word <3#FREEMELEE
– Ludwig (ud Ludwig Ahren) November 22, 2020
Others boarded the ship and did not take long to offer their support. Ludwig was already proud to have almost tripled the funding from his initial donation.
“We have already raised 27,555 for this competition, including the $ 10,000 I donate,” Ludwig said. It is already one of the largest gift pools and all proceeds go to charity.
We have already collected 27,555 for this tour, which includes IM 10,000
Top 10 of all time
– Ludwig (ud Ludwig Ahren) November 22, 2020
It shows how passionate and dedicated the Smash Brothers melee competition community is.
In the end, they are ready to fight the good fight, even if it comes up against the hand that feeds them.
Nintendo has not yet responded or softened their stance on this issue, technically they do not have to do so. However, it can hurt them in the long run.
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