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Leipzig brings in from Salzburg in March: R.P.  Operate the machines - the game

Leipzig brings in from Salzburg in March: R.P. Operate the machines – the game

Julian Knoglesman F.C. Within 48 hours of switching to Bayer, R.P. Leipzig presents its successor: American Jesse Marsh from Salzburg. It’s not as fast as the leopard in the square. The jokes didn’t take long to come: How hard could the negotiations between the two sister clubs over the phone have been?

But despite all the legitimate criticisms, the plan works. It fits in well with the times. Not only players but also coaches use their publishing rules. Having successful coaches for a long time is becoming increasingly difficult. That’s why it’s important for the club to have a clear plan, regardless of the current coach. R.P.

The company is well established and prepared, it is hard to deny. If a gear fails, the appropriate one is already on the RP. Spare parts are available at the store. Not just any spare part, but one that has already proven itself in another machine. In Salzburg things went even faster: as soon as Marsh left, his successor was announced at the same time. It comes from FC Liefering. This is not to say that it is Red Bull, but that it contains Red Bull.

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Five clubs around the world – from Salzburg to New York – offer Leipzig with players and coaches. The philosophy of the game is the same everywhere. No one starts anew. Goalkeeper Peter Kulasi, captain Marcel Sabitzer or most recently young Hungarian Dominique Sophosloi: you and a few others on the team are from your own network.

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But there are weaknesses in every system: Leipzig no longer has a second team, and the gap between the regional league and the Champions League is huge. You are waiting in vain for a Bundesliga player from the youth of Leipzig.

The time under Nagelsman also showed how effective it is to fish outside your own pond. As a better team in the Bundesliga, it is necessary to do more than change quickly. Jesse Marsh has yet to prove that possession football is part of the “RP DNA”.