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Kingdoms of Amalur: Recalculation: Release Date and Trailer for Nintendo Switch

Kingdoms of Amalur: Recalculation: Release Date and Trailer for Nintendo Switch

THQ Nordic was announced by a Trailer Release date of the largest RPG Kingdoms of Amalur: Recalculation To the Nintendo Switch. Famous writer R.A. March 16, 2021.

For those interested in the game, we recommend reading our Amalur Kingdoms: Recalculation Review

It is a remake of the popular Open World roll-flaming game created for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, edited and enriched with graphics D.L.C. Legend of Naros’ teeth, Dead Kell and weapons and armor. The size of the game in the package has already exceeded 100 hours. However, in the coming months, THQ wants to create a new extension of the Nordic game, thanks to which it will further develop the theatrical offer and deliver some news to fans after a multi-year hiatus.

THQ Nordic, in fact, wants to renew this license from adults Possible, Never fully revealed. Kingdoms of Amalur: Recount, in fact, can boast of an interesting war system, a particular design and a vast and characteristic world. He does not have the ability to make a definite leap in quality. From this perspective, the Nintendo Switch version will definitely help expand the brand and recruit new fans.

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