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IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 & 3 Interview Admit Card


IPBS RRP Interview Admit Card 2020: The Institute of Banking Personal Selection (IPBS) has released the Interview Admit Card for recruitment of officers in Scale 2 and Scale 3. Criteria 2 & 3 can now download their interview approval cards through the official website of

IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 & 3 Interview Admit Card

IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 & 3 Interview Admit Card

IPBS 2 & 3 can now download their interview approval cards through the official website of

Dates and times for IPBS RRP Officer Criteria 1 & 2 Interview 2020 are mentioned in the Admit Cards. Candidates are advised to check their times and place on the Admit Cards and appear on the scheduled date one hour before the commencement of the examination. Candidates can follow the steps given below IPBS RRP IX Officer Scale 1 & 2 Interview Admit Card 2020.

  1. Visit the official website of
  2. Click here to download interview invitation letters for glowing CRP RRPs on the homepage.
  3. This will redirect you to the notification page.
  4. Then, click on the respective download link for the exam that appears for you.
  5. Then, it will take you to the login page.
  6. Enter your registration number, top, captcha code and click the submit button.
  7. Then, download IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 & 3 Interview Admit Card 2020 and save for future reference.

Download IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 Interview Admit Card 2020

Download IPBS RRP Officer Size 3 Interview Admit Card 2020

IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 & 3 Interview All candidates appearing in 2020 are advised to carry all documents along with the invitation letter on the day of interview. Candidates who fail to prepare documents during the interview will be rejected without any notice or notice and they will not be allowed to appear for the interview.

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The Bank conducted the IPBS RRP Officer Level 2 & 3 2020 Written Examination on October 18, 2020 and the results were announced on December 1, 2020. All listed candidates can now download IPBS RRP Officer Size 2 & 3 Interview Admit Cards 2020 directly by clicking on the provided links.