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Une application très populaire peut du jour au lendemain intégrer un virus © Pixabay, Merry Christmas

Installed more than 10 million times, this Android app hides a virus!

Used to read barcodes and QR codes, the barcode scanner app is the most popular, as long as it is installed more than ten million times on Android. But, since December, it has been integrating a Trojan horse, which shows unwanted ads.

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When a Application Are the most popular on Game Store, Downloaded more than 10 million times, with an average rating of over 4 Stars, We tell ourselves we can install it without fear. Unfortunately, Malware bytes Barcode scanner found hidden a Malware ! This application is designed to be read Bar code And QR codes are infected by the Trojan hidden in the installation file.

His role? Show banners of Advertising Even when you are not using the app, it is obviously unbearable. The Virus This will open the browser without blocking the user. Advertising banners on every page opened, in all directions and as much revenue as possible for the developer!

Virus hidden in ad module

But how did such a popular app slip through the cracks of Google’s increasingly tight control? In fact, the virus is not hidden in the application, but in the SDK used Advertising. To get paid, keep in mind that an app publisher will often display banners on its app. This is valid for any free application and will most likely be chosen by a developer Admop, Google Control or Competitive Control.

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Except there, the Virus Hidden in a plugin dedicated to advertising, and it was inserted automatically; And accordingly Malware bytes, Problems have appeared since the December update. Warning, Google immediately removed the app from its Play Shop, And for users, it’s now a matter of manually uninstalling. Since many applications have the same name, check that the publisher is Lavabert LDT, the others are harmless.

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